




1.哈斯年10月8日获得了美国最大的数控机床生产商——美国哈斯自动化公司HAAS)正式授权,成为北京及周边地区的哈斯机床 …

7.卤代乙酸 SOHO 义大利餐厅 HaaS 哈斯义大利面 ZUMA 茹玛意式加州厨房 ...


1.Soon, professors and classmates at the Haas School of Business began to call him 'the underwear guy. '很快,哈斯商学院(HaasSchoolofBusiness)的教授和同学们都开始叫他“内衣男”。

2."Anything that helps to open up the mortgage market is a good thing at this point, " says Sharon Haas of Fitch, a rating agency.评级机构惠誉的SharonHaas表示,“在这个节点上,任何有助于开发抵押信贷市场的行动都是一件好事情。”

3.Tommy Haas would have had cause to feel distinctly queasy had he taken a look at them before his semi-final at Wimbledon this afternoon.在今天下午的温布尔登半决赛前,如果哈斯看了看他和费德勒的统计数字,他可能会找到原因导致他感到明显的不安。

4.Marius Haas, senior vice president of HP's ProCurve division, said the 3Com deal puts HP in a good position to compete against Cisco.惠普ProCurve部门的高级副总裁MariusHaas称,与3Com的交易令惠普能更好地与思科竞争。

5.Haas already has a reputation for producing a different sort of MBA from other epte schools', Mr Lyons claims.莱兹宣称哈斯商学院因培养出与其他商学院与众不同的人才而享有盛名。

6.Haas was afraid that if he failed his examinations again, he would be kept down next year.哈斯担心他如果再考不及格,下一年就得留级了。

7.Rohm and Haas Company is one of the largest multi-national manufacturers of Specialty Chemicals and Intermediates in the world.罗门哈斯公司是一家研究、生产、经营精细化学品和中间体的跨国公司,在世界精细化工界位居顶尖地位。

8.Aldrete-Haas, J. A. "The Formation of the Built Environment: The Case of a Colonial Proletaria in Mexico City. " 1979.已建构环境的组成:墨西哥城中的殖民劳工阶级之案例〉,1979。

9.At least 3 years experiences on CNC set-up, operation and programming of CNC lathes and machining centers. Know well HAAS Control system.3年以上车床与加工中心操作,编程经验。熟悉哈斯控制系统。

10.At the very least, this seems intelpgent marketing for Haas in an increasingly competitive MBA marketplace.至少,在竞争日趋激烈的MBA市场来说这对于哈斯商学院是一种非常聪明的营销手段。