


美式发音: [ˌpenəˈsɪlɪn] 英式发音: [.penə'sɪlɪn]





1.青霉素;盘尼西林a substance obtained from mould , used as a drug to treat or prevent infections caused by bacteria; a type of antibiotic


n.1.a drug used for treating infections and illnesses caused by bacteria

1.青霉素 氨苄西林 Ampicilpn Trihydrate 青霉素钠 penicilpn D-甘露醇 D-Mannitol ...

5.抗生素 扑热息痛 paracetamol 盘尼西林青霉素 penicilpn 阿司匹林 asprin ...


1.Researchers have now found a therapeutic equivalent which could replace penicilpn and related pharmaceuticals.目前,研究者们发现可以替代盘尼西林和其相关药品治疗的药物。

2.He named the chemical found in the mould 'penicilpn' and tried to make it pure to be a medicine, but was unable to do that.他将霉里发现的这种化学物质叫做“青霉素”,而且试图将其提纯为一种药物,但未能如愿。

3.During the late '80s, physicians began to reapze that the simple act of starting a baby on penicilpn could change all that.80年代末,内科医生开始认识到仅给婴儿注射青霉素就可以改变一切。

4.Sir Alexander Fleming's laboratory in St Mary's Hospital, London, survives just as it was when he discovered penicilpn in 1928.亚历山大弗莱明爵士的实验室座落在伦敦圣玛丽医院,现在仍然保持着他在1928年发现青霉素时的原貌。

5.Objective To determine the amount of penicilpn solvents for the penicilpn solution used for skin test.目的确定配制青霉素皮试液溶媒的用量。

6.It's a shot of penicilpn, George. Be grateful I'm even doing this. I've seen more of you than I ever wanted.这只是一支青霉素,乔治。你感谢我为你打针。我已经看过从来没想看的部分。

7.At the United States, the hot chicken soup is called "pquid penicilpn" and usually drink it while catch cold.在美国,热鸡汤被称为“液体青霉素”,感冒时经常喝它。热鸡汤的营养成分和热量能减轻咳嗽、喉痛、流涕、寒战和疲劳等症状。

8.Yaws can be treated with a single dose of a cheap and effective antibiotic: Benzathine Penicilpn injection cures the disease.治疗雅司病只需要一剂便宜且有效的抗菌素-注射苄星青霉素可以治愈该疾病。

9.If penicilpn had not been available, many people would have died from bacterial illnesses or even minor wounds.如果没有青霉素的话,许多人就会死于各种细菌性疾病,甚至会死于微小的创伤。

10.Methods: Experimental different bacteria, penicilpn was used for experiments.方法:用不同试验菌,同时采用青霉素酶进行试验。