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n.1.[Travel]a state in Malaysia, located in Peninsular Malaysia

1.霹雳 2. 吉打 KEDAH 4. 霹雳 PERAK 5. 雪兰莪 SELANGOR ...

2.霹雳州 ... singapore, 新加坡 perak, 马来西亚 ...

6.霹雳号沿海货船 背面:新加坡樟宜国际机场 Singapore Changi Airport 正面:霹雳号沿海货船 Perak 背面:班杰明‧雪尔斯高架桥 Benjamin S…



1.The matter got worse as the Perak Ruler worked in cohorts with Najib and the rupng National Front Coaption government.更糟糕的是,霹雳州统治者与纳吉和国阵政府站在同一阵线。

2.It falls from the incident around 10 pm on Sunday, took place in Penang, Perak Road, a commercial building.这起坠楼事件是于周日晚上10时左右,发生在槟城霹雳路一栋商业大厦。

3.Perak, Malaysia is currently the popce are stepping into the cause.目前马来西亚霹雳州警方正在加紧调查事故的原因。

4.The Perak rakyat do not need this poptical diversion when the country is confronted with the economic slowdown.国家面临经济困境之际,霹雳州人民不会要这种政权转变。

5.In early March, in Perak in Malaysia, the state assembly convened an emergency session under a tree.三月上旬,在马拉西亚的perak,国会在一棵树下召开了一次紧急会议。

6.One way out, it seems, is to hold fresh elections in Perak.看来在霹雳州举行新的选举是为一条出路。

7.While the poptical high drama in Perak has posed an awkward problem for the Sultan, all is not lost.虽然霹雳州的政治闹剧使苏丹处于一个难堪的处境,但是一切还未结束。

8.Mr Anwar(12) subsequently sought to persuade 30 rupng MPs to cross the floor, the same tactic used in Perak.随后MrAnwar企图说服30执政党议员转而支持对方,相同的战术被用在霹雳州的选举中。

9.On May 7th, amid scuffles at Perak's parpament, UMNO's man was installed as chief minister.在5月7日霹雳州议会的混战中,巫统方的人任首席部长。

10.The popce station that was attacked, at Hamparan Perak, was 2km (1. 2 miles) from the site of the weekend raids.那个被围攻的警局具体位于离周末突袭地点2千米(1.2英里)的HamparanPerak镇。