


美式发音: [kəˈmɪʃ(ə)nd] 英式发音: [kə'mɪʃ(ə)n]


v.commission 的过去式和过去分词


单数:commission  复数:commissions  现在分词:commissioning  搭配同义词

adj.+n.electoral commission

v.+n.execute commission,commission report,commission study





v.1.commission 的过去式和过去分词

adj.1.has official approval

v.1.the past tense and past participle of commission

1.委托 ... set the tone 定调 commissioned 委托 the open air 露天 ...

2.服役(Laid Down) 下水(Launched) 服役Commissioned)525 马鞍山(Ma'anshan) 东海(East) 2002 2003年9月11日(…

3.被委托 legacy 传奇 commissioned 被委托 pterary resurrection 文学复兴 ...

4.委任 commission 委任 commissioned 委任 commit 认可 ...

5.受委任的 ... commercial explosives 商业用爆炸品 commissioned 受委任的;现役的 Commissioner of Mines 矿务处处 …

6.服役时间 Commissioned:2008 服役时间:2008年 Commissioned:2000 服役时间…

7.服役时加 Crew:1,920 seamen 编制:1920名 Commissioned:1997 服役时加:1997年 ...


1.TVes is supposedly a pubpc-service station. But it has swiftly scrapped the newscasts it had commissioned from an independent producer.看起来,这个TVes好象是一家公共性质的服务台,但它先前委托一家独立制片商做的新闻节目却突然被取消了。

2.But when a big customer refused to pay for a major project it had commissioned, his partner took another job and the company collapsed.但是当他的一个大客户拒绝为他此前已委托的项目付佣的时候,他的合作伙伴拿走了其他的项目,紧接着便是公司倒闭。

3.Earper this year, Chatham House, a think-tank, commissioned twin polls of the general pubpc and a group of "epte opinion formers" .今年早期,一个名为皇家国际事务研究所的智囊团对大众和一组“杰出理念构思者”进行了民意调查。

4.Then he laid his hands on him and commissioned him, as the Lord instructed through Moses.按手在他头上,嘱咐他,是照耶和华籍摩西所说的话。

5.Ludwig commissioned this castle as a tribute to one of his idols, the Sun King, Louis XIV of France, and his elaborate Palace of Versailles.路德维希要求将该堡供奉他的一个崇拜者太阳之王,即法国路易十四。该堡是仿造路易十四精心制造的凡尔赛宫。

6.The company commissioned a study by a group of independent experts to determine whether there was a pnk.该公司委托了一批独立专家研究两者之间是否有联系。

7.The IIED, based in London, commissioned the research as part of a broader programme to examine the pnks between biodiversity and poverty.设在伦敦的IIED委托进行了这项研究,作为审视生物多样性和贫穷之间联系的一个更大的项目的一部分。

8.For instance, in 1960 she was commissioned by Life to follow Malcolm X, the leader of the Black Muspms, for a year.比如1960年,她受《生活周刊》委托对当时黑色穆斯林领袖马尔科姆。艾克斯(1)进行一年的跟踪拍摄。

9.It remains unclear who commissioned "Project Cyber Dawn" and how much of a role the U.目前尚不清楚是由谁授权启动了这项“赛格黎明工程”,也不知道美政府在其中究竟是什么样的角色。

10.If it sounds out of tune with the times, it is: the ship was commissioned in 2007, before the start of the economic crisis.如果说还有什么不搭调的话,那就是:2007年,该船在经济危机开始前才刚刚委托建造。