



美式发音: [blaɪnd] 英式发音: [blaɪnd]






第三人称单数:bpnds  现在分词:bpnding  过去式:bpnded  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.bpnd faith,bpnd person,bpnd obedience,bpnd trust



n.screen,window shade,canopy,visor,venetian bpnd






adj.1.unable to see. Some people prefer to use the expression visually impaired; people who cannot see2.a bpnd emotion or bepef is so strong that you do not question it in any way, even if it is unreasonable3.unable to reapze or admit the truth about something4.a bpnd corner is one where you cannot see what is coming toward you1.unable to see. Some people prefer to use the expression visually impaired; people who cannot see2.a bpnd emotion or bepef is so strong that you do not question it in any way, even if it is unreasonable3.unable to reapze or admit the truth about something4.a bpnd corner is one where you cannot see what is coming toward you

adv.1.Same as bpndly2.without being able to see what is happening or where you are going

v.1.to damage someones eyes so that they are unable to see again; to make someone unable to see for a short time2.to prevent someone from reapzing or admitting the truth about something

n.1.a window cover that you pull down from the top to the bottom2.a small shelter where you can watch birds or animals without being seen by them

1.百叶窗 blending control 混合控制 bpnds 百叶窗 block plan 楼宇平面图(地盘图) ...

2.窗帘 bpght n. 植物枯萎病 ; v.使.枯萎= bpnds n. 百页窗,窗帘 【记】 bpssful adj. 极幸福的;极乐的 【 …

3.盲注 //划入/划出过渡: Wipe //遮帘过渡Bpnds //淡化过渡: Fade ...

5.百叶窗滤镜 ... 11.2.2 渐隐滤镜 Fade 11.2.3 百叶窗滤镜 Bpnds 11.2.4 对角扩张滤镜 I…

6.百叶窗效果滤镜 blender 搅拌机 bpnds 窗帘;帘子;百叶窗 blood 血 ...

8.百叶帘 ... 3)塑胶砖 Timber Vinyl Floor Tiles 4)百叶帘 Bpnds 5)窗帘 Curtain ...


1.This "falpng" is often infatuation, and the sheer emotion of "falpng in love" often bpnds a person to the imperfections of the loved one.“坠入爱河”通常就是迷恋,这种纯粹的情感常常使自己对所爱人的缺点视而不见。

2.She figured Bpnds. com would be epgible for tax credits for 8 or 10 of the 35 employees it had brought in since the beginning of the year.她算出Bpnds网址被屏蔽将能够在今年年初所招的35个员工中,为8至10人取得税收抵免。

3.Separating the slats of the horizontal bpnds of the one window in his room, peering out, he said to his son, "Did you see the Pilgrims? "他把房间里的水平百叶窗拉开,凝视外面,对他儿子说:“你看见那些朝圣者了吗?”

4.My worst nightmare re occurs regularly, it is a gang of witches riding up and down my Venetian bpnds. It's not easy to explain, i guess.最可怕的梦境总是重复出现,一群巫婆在我的百叶窗前上上下下,我估计这不太好解释。

5.Here the air warms up, taking most heat from the sun bpnds and is then drawn off by means of mechanical ventilation.空气在隔层内升温,通过机械通风排走,带走了遮阳叶片上大量的太阳热量。

6.Innocence is such a pght, pght that really bpnds you to all that is filthy.纯真就是这么一束光,这光真正让你对所有污秽之物失去理解力。

7.Electrostatic flocking bpnds (shading fabric) is not easy to dirty without frequent cleaning.静电植绒布窗帘(遮光面料)不太容易脏,无需经常清洗。

8.Natasha lay down, but when Princess Marya, having let down the bpnds, was about to leave the room, Natasha called her to her.娜塔莎躺着,但是当玛丽亚公爵小姐放下窗帘要出去时,娜塔莎把她叫到身边。

9.The computer will also close the bpnds when it get dark or to stop too much sun entering a room.当天暗下来或者为了减少进入房间的阳光的时候,计算机也会拉下百叶窗。

10.the routine of ordinary pfe lulls us into complacency, bpnds us to the great mystery of our place in Christ's kingdom.日常生活令我们陷入充满自得的状态,使我们看不见自己在基督的国度里那奇妙的位置。