


美式发音: [ˈpɜrfɪkt] 英式发音: [ˈpɜː(r)fɪkt]





第三人称单数:perfects  现在分词:perfecting  过去式:perfected  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.perfect system,perfect skill,perfect technique

adj.+n.perfect world,perfect condition,perfect order,perfect environment,perfect performance

v.spoil,work on


v.improve,refine,hone,tighten up,achieve




1.完备的;完美的;完全的having everything that is necessary; complete and without faults or weaknesses

in perfect condition状况极佳

a perfect set of teeth一副完美的牙齿

Well I'm sorry─but nobody's perfect(= used when sb has criticized you) .呃,对不起。不过,人无完人嘛。

2.完全正确的;准确的;地道的completely correct; exact and accurate

She speaks perfect Engpsh.她讲一口地道的英语。

a perfect copy/fit/match精确的副本;绝对合身;天作之合

What perfect timing !时机掌握得恰到好处!

3.优秀的;最佳的the best of its kind

a perfect example of the painter's early style这位画家早期风格的典范

the perfect crime(= one in which the criminal is never discovered)一桩无头案

4.极好的;很好的excellent; very good

The weather was perfect.天气好极了。

5.~ for sb/sth正合适exactly right for sb/sth

It was a perfect day for a picnic.那是野餐最理想的天气。

She's the perfect candidate for the job.她是这项工作的最佳人选。

‘Will 2.30 be OK for you?’ ‘Perfect, thanks.’“ 2:30 对你合适吗?”“正合适,谢谢。”

6.[obn]全部的;完全的;纯然的total; complete

I don't know him─he's a perfect stranger.我不认识他,他是百分之百的陌生人。

7.(动词)完成时的,完成体的connected with the form of a verb that consists of part of the verbhave with the past participle of the main verb, used to express actions completed by the present or a particular point in the past or future

‘I have eaten’ is the present perfect tense of the verb ‘to eat’, ‘I had eaten’ is the past perfect and ‘I will have eaten’ is the future perfect.I have eaten 是动词 eat 的现在完成时; I had eaten 是过去完成时; I will have eaten 是将来完成时。


1.~ sth使完善;使完美;使完备to make sth perfect or as good as you can

As a musician, she has spent years perfecting her technique.身为音乐家,她多年来不断在技艺上精益求精。

n.— see alsofuture perfect,past perfect,present perfect

1.[sing](动词的)完成时(态)the form of a verb that expresses actions completed by the present or a particular point in the past or future, formed in Engpsh with part of the verbhave and the past participle of the main verb

adj.1.完全的,完美的;圆满的,理想的;纯粹的2.绝对的,毋容置疑的;分毫不差的,正确的3.熟练的,精通的 (in)4.〈口〉十足的;厉害的,过分的5.【语】完成的6.【植】雌雄(蕊)同花的;具备的7.【印】两面印的8.(昆虫)性成熟的1.完全的,完美的;圆满的,理想的;纯粹的2.绝对的,毋容置疑的;分毫不差的,正确的3.熟练的,精通的 (in)4.〈口〉十足的;厉害的,过分的5.【语】完成的6.【植】雌雄(蕊)同花的;具备的7.【印】两面印的8.(昆虫)性成熟的



adj.1.as good, correct, or accurate as it is possible to be; completely appropriate or right for someone; with no parts missing, damaged, or spoiled2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing how much someone has of a particular quapty; used for emphasis generally3.the perfect form of a verb is used for talking about an action that has been completed before the present time

v.1.to make something completely free from faults, or as good as it can be

1.完美肥 健身视频 完美减肥产品瘦出完美身形美丽无法阻挡完美(PERFECT)的产品可以减肥吗? 高纤餐和。

2.完美的 infectious a 传染性的 perfect a 完美的;完全的 perfection n 完全;完美 ...

3.改善 participate in 参加 perfect 使完善;改善 perform 执行,履行 ...

4.使完善 participate in 参加 perfect 使完善;改善 perform 执行,履行 ...

5.完全的 infectious a 传染性的 perfect a 完美的;完全的 perfection n 完全;完美 ...

6.理想的 如梦的;理想的 dream 完美的;理想的 perfect ( t -)最终的目标或理想 Thule ...


1.His demeanor has always been that of a perfect gentleman.他的态度一向是温文有礼的。

2.During spring and summer, the water slowly evaporates while winds smooth the surface into a vast, nearly perfect flat plain.在春季和夏季,水慢慢蒸发,风势平稳的表面变成一个巨大的,近乎完美的平坦平原。

3.Seems to me to be a perfect candidate for a big band treatment (hint, hint).在我看来这似乎是个改编成大乐团爵士乐再好不过的候选。

4.It's super easy to do so there is no need for a patronising explanation and it makes for the most perfect hopday hair.这个发型超级好弄,所以没必要觉得屈尊俯就,这就是假日最佳发型。

5.The sites are more interactive, with tests that the computer marks and perfect answers so you know what you're aiming for.这些网站有更多的交互作用,配有测试题、电脑批阅、还有完整的答案,因此你知道你的目标是什么。

6.No candidate is going to be perfect, and reasonable people can differ about whether a certain candidate possesses each of these traits.没有一个候选人可以完美无缺的,理智的人才能查出某个候选人是否拥有以上的每一个特质。

7.No, of course not. I just don't want you to have to rack your brain to think of the perfect gift, that's all.不,当然不是。我只是不想让你为了送我完美的礼物而绞尽脑汁,仅此而已。

8.After about one hundred years of development, the means of aircraft tire determination became perfect and standardized.经过近百年的发展完善,航空轮胎的检测手段已基本成熟,检测方法也已标准化。

9.She bought the perfect gift for her boyfriend. It was as though she could read his mind.她帮男朋友买了一份完美的礼物。她似乎非常了解他。

10.The company has always been people-oriented, excellence, professional skills, perfect after-sales service, won the trust of our customers.公司一向以人为本、精益求精,以专业的技术,完美的售后服务,深得广大客户的信赖。