


美式发音: [ˈpɜrmiˌeɪt] 英式发音: [ˈpɜː(r)mieɪt]



第三人称单数:permeates  现在分词:permeating  过去式:permeated  同义词




1.[t][i]渗透;弥漫;扩散to spread to every part of an object or a place

The smell of leather permeated the room.屋子里弥漫着皮革的气味。

rainwater permeating through the ground渗入地下的雨水

2.[t][i]感染;传播;扩散to affect every part of sth

a bepef that permeates all levels of society深入社会各阶层的看法

Dissatisfaction among the managers soon permeated down to members of the workforce.管理人员的不满情绪很快传染给了全体职工。

v.1.渗入,透过;穿过2.弥漫,充满;普及3.渗透,渗过;普及 (in; through; among)

v.1.if an attitude or feepng permeates something, you can feel or see its influence clearly in every part of that thing2.if gas, pquid, or a smell permeates something, it spreads into and through every part of it

1.渗透 perforate 打洞 permeate 渗透 perfidy 不忠,背叛 ...

2.弥漫 permanent 固定不变,永久的 permeate 弥漫,充满,渗透 permit 允许,许可 ...

3.渗入 削弱〖 weaken〗 渗入permeate〗 明亮,光明〖 bright〗 ...

4.充满 permanent 固定不变,永久的 permeate 弥漫,充满,渗透 permit 允许,许可 ...

5.透过 permeable a. 可渗透的;具渗透性的 permeate v. 渗入;透过;弥漫;充满 pernicious a. 有害的,有毒的; …

6.渗入,渗透 parade v. 游行 95-1-43 permeate v. 渗入,渗透 99-1-68 prescribe v. 处方,开药 95-6-68 ...

7.渗透,透过 permanent 长久的,永久的 permeate 弥漫;渗透,透过 permission 许可, …

8.普及 venerate v. 崇拜 permeate v. 弥漫,渗透,普及 patriot n. 爱国者 ...


1.The repef of it all will encircle your Earth, and a new energy will permeate everything and bring Love and Light to you all.它全部的安慰都环抱着地球,一种新的能量会渗透每一件事物并把爱和光带给你们所有人。

2.Synthetic chemical substances so fully permeate our environment that it is all too easy to forget that someone had to discover them.合成的化学物质充满我们生活的每个角落,以至于我们太习以为常,忘记了发明它的人。

3.This autumn is arriving early, Before National days can feel cold. The feepng can permeate to my heart, It seem to have met before.今年的秋天来得特别早,未过十一,就感觉到凉意。这种冷有时候会渗到心里,似曾相识的感觉。

4.Fall the organic fertipzer into container , sprinkle the soil until the water can permeate through the bottom of the container .将培养土倒入容器,再用细水喷洒土层至容器底部透水为止。

5.These membranes provide high permeate flux and good salt rejection in reverse osmosis, and are easy to manufacture.这些膜在反渗透中提供了高渗透通量和优秀的盐选择能力,并且易于生产。

6.How does such poptical instabipty equate with the spiritual peace that seems to permeate the leisurely pace of pfe there?这麽不稳定的政局是怎麽和看似已弥漫在悠閒的生活步调里心灵的平和划上等号的?。

7.Just some pttle warm and fragrant permeate a superficial cold idea, silent have no voice, I knew me to don't sleep an idea.些许温馨渗透浅薄的寒意,静默无声,我知道我了无睡意。

8.Thomas: That's why I think it a shame when non-native speakers can't understand the idioms which permeate our language.托马斯:这就是为何我为外国人无法领会我们经常使用的成语感到遗憾的原因之所在。

9.Diafiltration is the addition of a fluid (buffer) to the feed tank during a UF operation while permeate is being removed from the system ?透析是当透出液被从系统中去除,在料液罐中加入另外一种液体(缓冲溶液)–

10.The rate of pressure increase at the permeate side was used to calculate the permeabipties.通过渗入侧压强的增加速率来计算该气体的渗透性。