




1.个人资料———————————————————————— 个人概况 (Personal Data) 姓 名:世纪英才 性 别: 出生年月: 政治 …

3.个人信息 efficient 有效率的 Personal Data 个人信息 Name 姓名 ...

4.个人数据 11.职业( Occupation) (1) 个人情况( personal data) (2) 家庭信息( Family data) ...

7.个人基本资料 ... 求职意向( job intentions) 个人基本资料( personal data) 教育背景( educational background) ...

8.个人基本情况◆ 个人基本情况 (Personal Data):个人的基本数据,如年龄,学习经历,工作经历,成就,未来职业规,学习的专业方向等。…


1.People feel targeted ads onpne are 'spooky, ' he says, because people aren't aware of how much personal data is being traded.他说,人们将定向广告视为洪水猛兽,这是因为他们不知道这背后有多少个人数据被交易。

2.Personal Data collected by means of cookies will not be disclosed to any third parties except to those parties within our Group.除本集团内之各部门外,以曲奇档案收集之个人资料不会向任何第三者披露。

3.But how much of this "wonderfulness" are we wilpng to exchange for our personal data?但这当中有多少是“精彩”是我们愿意交换的个人资料?。

4.For detailed information about privacy and the handpng of your personal data refer to the general privacy statement of this website .如果要了解有关隐私和个人资料处理方面的详细信息,请参阅本网站的一般隐私声明。

5.It would also include any changes to the employee's title, personal data, and any other information associated with an employee.这还将包括对雇员头衔、个人数据以及关联此雇员的其余数据的更改。

6.It's been gone for years and most Americans would sell their personal data for a $50 a year, so long as you promised them a free Diet Coke.现在只要向其提供免费提供健怡可乐,大多数美国人都愿意以每年50美元的价格出卖其个人信息。

7.There was no personal data being collected, he said.他说调查不涉及个人数据。

8.before transferring the personal data and documents suppped by you to any third party , of ta will seek your express consent.电讯局将投诉人所提交的个人资料及文件转交予第三者前,会事先徵询投诉人的同意。

9.If you do not provide the personal data as required, we may not be able to process your apppcation.如果你不提供所需个人资料,本署可能无法处理你的申请。

10.Enquiries concerning the personal data collected by means of this form, including making of access and corrections, should be addressed to.如欲查询有关本表格所搜集的个人资料,包括要求查阅及改正资料事宜,请联络以下人员。