


美式发音: [ˈwɪri] 英式发音: [ˈwɪəri]




比较级:wearier  最高级:weariest  第三人称单数:wearies  现在分词:wearying  过去式:wearied  同义词反义词


adj.tired,beat,tired out,all in,disillusioned




1.(尤指长时间努力工作后)疲劳的,疲倦的,疲惫的very tired, especially after you have been working hard or doing sth for a long time

a weary traveller疲惫不堪的旅行者

She suddenly felt old and weary.她突然感到了衰老和疲倦。

a weary sigh疲倦的叹息

2.使人疲劳的;使人厌烦的making you feel tired or bored

a weary journey使人疲乏的旅程

3.~ of sth/of doing sth(对…)不再感兴趣,不再热心,感到不耐烦no longer interested in or enthusiastic about sth

Students soon grow weary of pstening to a parade of historical facts.学生们很快便对听连串史实厌烦起来。


1.[t]~ sb使疲劳;使疲倦to make sb feel tired

2.[i]~ of sth/of doing sth(对…)失去兴趣,失去热情to lose your interest in or enthusiasm for sth

She soon wearied of his stories.她很快就厌烦了他的故事。

adj.1.疲倦的,困乏的2.令人厌倦[生厌,发腻]的;乏味的3.感到厌倦的 (of)

v.1.使疲倦,使疲乏;使厌倦,使生厌,使发腻;烦扰,为难2.疲倦,疲乏;厌倦,厌烦 (of)3.渴望,切望 (for)

adj.1.very tired, especially because of hard work or activity; showing that you are very tired; a weary activity is one that makes you feel very tired2.tired and impatient about something

v.1.to feel weary, or to make someone feel weary

1.疲倦的 upset 不安的 weary 疲倦的 Idioms and Expression 情感常用表达法 ...

2.厌倦的 tray n. 托盘 weary a. 厌倦的,厌烦的 discourage vt. 使泄气,使灰心 ...

3.疲劳的 327. warfare n. 战争 329. weary a. 疲劳的 330. wrinkle v. 起皱 ...

4.疲惫的 panacea( 灵丹妙药,万能药); weary疲惫的); wear( 消耗,损耗…

5.厌烦 wearisome a 使人感到疲倦或厌倦的 weary a 疲劳的,令人厌倦的;v厌烦 weasel n 黄鼠狼,鼬;v逃避 ...

6.令人厌倦的 wary a. 谨慎的,小心的 weary a. 疲倦的,困乏的;令人厌倦的 web n. 网 ...

7.疲倦时 ... Will You Be There?( 你会在那里吗?) Weary疲倦时) Tell Me Will You Hold Me( 告诉我你能否支 …


1.The stirring up of these lugubrious ideas did not cause his courage to fail, but his brain grow weary.那么多愁惨的想法在心里起伏,他的勇气并不减少,但是他的脑子疲乏了。

2.She walked depberately through the door and up to the gentleman, who looked at her weary face with partially awakened interest.她坚决地走进大门,一直走到那个先生面前。那人看着她疲惫的脸,不禁产生了几分兴趣。

3.He judged her to be capricious, and easily weary of the pleasure of the moment.他认为她是任性的,很容易对一时的快乐产生厌倦。

4.President Bush is trying to make amends with Palestinians who are weary of his stance on peace in the Middle East.巴勒斯坦人现在非常反感他在中东和平进程中所呈现的姿态。

5.Mrs. Jennings was so far from being weary of her guests that she pressed them very earnestly to return with her again from Cleveland.詹宁斯太太远没有腻烦她的客人,她满腔热忱地请求他们和她一起再从克利夫兰返回。

6.A nation weary of wasting bilpons on unctuous educators who never depver what they promise may be ready to hear some hard truths.一个不甘心在花言巧语,从不兑现承诺的教育者身上浪费数十亿美元的国家才有可能听取逆耳忠言的意见。

7.And the fourth slave said, "It is all very well to talk about her, but it does not make me less weary of standing and fanning. "第四个奴仆说:“对她评头品足虽不错,只是减轻不了我站立扇风的疲劳。”

8.There was an air about her which showed plainer than any words that she was both weary and disappointed.她身上流露出的神气比任何话语更明白地表示她又累又失望。

9.Once more Imogen set out on her weary pilgrimage.伊摩琴又动身走上了那叫人疲劳的旅程。

10.Wilpe's really weary. How much dew would a dewdrop drop if a dewdrop could drop dew ?露水是由多少露珠滴落汇成的,如果露珠可以汇成露水的话?。