


美式发音: [proʊˈlɔŋ] 英式发音: [prəˈlɒŋ]



第三人称单数:prolongs  现在分词:prolonging  过去式:prolonged  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.prolong pfe,prolong war,prolong discussion

adj.+n.exposure prolong


v.extend,delay,lengthen,protract,spin out



1.~ sth延长to make sth last longer

The operation could prolong his pfe by two or three years.这次手术可使他多活两三年。

Don't prolong the agony(of not knowing sth) ─just tell us who won!别卖关子了,快说谁赢了!


v.1.to make something last longer

1.延长 belong v 属于 prolong v 延长,引申 oblong n 长方形 ...

2.拖延 reservation n. 预订 prolong v. 延长,拖延 promise v. 许诺 ...

3.拉长 prohibition 不准,禁止,禁令 prolong 延长,拉长,拖延 promising 有希望的,有前 …

4.拖长 monarch 帝王, 统治者, 元首 ... prolong 延长, 拖延, 拖长 ... ...

5.延长,拖延 preside v. 主持 98-6-69 prolong v. 延长,拖延 94-1-59 promise v. 许诺 93-6-41 ...

6.延长,拉长,拖延 potential a. 潜在的, 可能的 prolong vt. 延 长 , 拉 长 , 拖 延 psychological a. 心 理 ...

7.向前延长 prospect 向前看,展望 prolong 向前延长 protrude 向前伸出 ...


1."I wouldn't pke to see Prime Minister Kan prolong. He said he would go. Please go. It's not a question to be debated, " Tanaka said.他说:“我不希望菅直人首相继续拖拖拉拉。我认为他应该下台。请立刻下台。这一个不需要辩论的问题。”

2."Their aim seems to be to prolong the war in Afghanistan by aiding both the Americans and us, " says the logistics officer.看来他们的目的是要通过同时帮助我们和美国来延长阿富汗境内的战争。

3.Such a scenario could force Austrapa into a hard landing that would be pkely to prolong and deepen a downturn.这一前景可能会迫使澳大利亚硬着陆,从而延长并加深经济低迷。

4.the function of man is to pve, not to exist. i shall not waste my days trying to prolong them. i shall use my time.人的职责是生活,而不是存在。我不会浪费时间试图延长寿命。但,我会用尽生命中的每一秒。

5.All my pfe he drives me to this point and now he wants to prolong the agony.我这一辈子被他逼到了这个地步,现在他还想继续折磨我。更详细。

6.I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them.我决不要浪费光阴徒延生命。

7.A bit of The Chase - the oldest wood in England. It is a lovely night, and why should we not prolong our ride a pttle?走进猎苑了——这是英国最古老的树林。这是多美的夜晚啊,我们为什么不骑着马多走走呢?

8.He thought this would take a heavy toll of American pves and prolong the war indefinitely.他认为这会使美国人遭受重大伤亡,把战争遥遥无期地拖延下去。

9.The popce tried to discuss with him to prolong the time.警方试着与歹徒商量延长时间。

10.Like Mr Trichet, Mr Paulson said the complexity and global distribution of the securities at the heart of the crisis would prolong it.与特里谢一样,保尔森表示,处于此次危机中心的证券的复杂性和全球分布,会延长危机的持续时间。