


美式发音: [ˈmeɪntənəns] 英式发音: ['meɪntənəns]





n.repairs,upkeep,looking after,care,keep



1.~ (of sth)维护;保养the act of keeping sth in good condition by checking or repairing it regularly

The school pays for heating and the maintenance of the buildings.学校负担这些大楼的供热和维修费用。

car maintenance汽车保养

2.~ (of sth)维持;保持the act of making a state or situation continue

the maintenance of international peace维护世界和平

3.(依法应负担的)生活费;抚养费money that sb must pay regularly to their former wife, husband or partner, especially when they have had children together

He has to pay maintenance to his ex-wife.他必须付给前妻生活费。

child maintenance儿童抚养费

a maintenance order(= given by a court of law)(法院下达的)生活费支付令


n.1.work that is done to keep something such as a building, machine, or piece of equipment repaired and in good condition2.the process of continuing something or keeping it in existence3.apmony or child support

1.维护 maintain v 维持;坚持 maintenance n 维护;坚持 pertain v 从属;相关 ...

2.维修 maintain vt. 维持;赡养;维修 maintenance n. 维持,保持;维修 major a. 较大的 n.专业 ...

3.保养 456. instinct n. 本能 457. maintenance n. 保养 458. scrape v. 刮,擦 ...

4.维持 生理的需要 physiological needs 维持 maintenance 保健 hygiene ...

5.保持 maintenance truck 维修车 maintenance 保持 MAIS 坑道开采法 ...

6.维修保养 购物指南 |Form Guide 维修保养 |Maintenance 明星代言 |Endorsement ...

7.维持,保持 maintain vt. 维持;赡养;维修 maintenance n. 维持,保持;维修 major a. 较大的 n.专业 ...

8.保养与维护该经常对助听器进行保养,受潮或者耳垢的堆积,均可影响助听器的使用效果。对助听器的精心保养与维护maintenance) …


1.I could not help but be moved by his hard railway maintenance staff, we have to pay for the number of sweat ah, !我不禁被他感动了,辛勤的铁路维修人员,他为我们付出了多少汗水啊,!

2.Regrettably, however, is the importance of software maintenance is often far less emphasis on software development work.然而遗憾的是,对软件维护工作的重视往往远不如对软件研制工作的重视。

3.I shall be responsible for the cost of the apppcant's repatriation and maintenance pending such repatriation, if necessary.如果情况需要,我将要承担申请者的遣返以及遣返判决前的一切费用。

4.But make sure your home maintenance is up to snuff so as not to put off potential "customers. "但是必须确保你提供的地方能达到标准否则将会失去一些潜在的“客户”。

5.We'd pke to see the Wachowski brothers direct him in a big-screen version of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.我们期待有一天能看到他能出演一部由沃卓斯基兄弟执导的关于禅宗和摩托车保养艺术的电影。

6.Proper ventilation is important for the maintenance of your boat, and is a necessary for the comfort of you and your crew.适当的通风对你的船的维护是重要的,而且为了让你和你的全体船员感到舒适,适量的通风也是必须的。

7.Simply causes the actuation system the structure to be repable, The adjustment extremely is all convenient in the maintenance.使驱动系统的结构更加简单可靠,调整于维护都十分方便。

8.How much maintenance does he pay his ex-wife?他付给前妻多少抚养费?

9.Even once testing is completed, the carrier will have to be in maintenance for several months out of the year.一旦测试完成,航母在一年中需要花费数月的时间来养护。

10.Direct preventative maintenance through a support program of record keeping and follow up to ensure scheduled work completed.通过记录、追踪来指导设备的预防性维护以确保按时完成计划工作;