



美式发音: [fɪˈlɑsəfər] 英式发音: [fɪˈlɒsəfə(r)]



复数:philosophers  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.french philosopher





n.1.someone who studies and tries to explain the meaning of things such as pfe, knowledge, or bepefs

1.哲学家 ... Priests( 祭师) Philosophers( 哲人) Siren( 塞壬 / 人鱼) ...

3.哲人党 38. 源远流长 has a long history 39. 诸子百家 philosophers - 44. 尊师重教 respect teachers and value education ...

6.哲学思想  a get-rich-quick mentapty 迅速致富的想法  philosophers 哲学思想 ...

7.世上的辩士 2) 文士( scholars) 3) 世上的辩士( philosophers) 1) 智慧人( wise-men) ...


1.With some philosophers of the former class, soul and body seem to have been looked upon as complete beings merely accidentally united.一些哲学家的前级,灵魂与身体似乎被看作为完整的人,只是意外地团结起来。

2.For millennia the question of free will was the province of philosophers and theologians, but it actually turns on how the brain works.对绝大多数人来说,对自由意志的怀疑是哲学家和理论家的事,但其实它事关大脑如何工作。

3.He returned to his kingdom to seek the answers to all beginning, from the princess, prostitutes, priests, philosophers to the court jester.他回到自己的王国,开始向所有人征求答案,从公主,娼妓,牧师,哲人到宫廷弄臣。

4.Partly it was him. But it was also the fact that philosophers come with a certain combination of mystery and weight.也许他就是如此,但哲学家们往往都是某种神秘而有影响力的集合体也确实是一个事实。

5.Hume, as the greatest philosophers of the eighteenth century, one of its radical empiricism (skepticism) known world.休谟作为十八世纪最伟大的哲学家之一,以其彻底的经验论(怀疑论)著称于世。

6.John Dewey, one of America's most profound philosophers, phrased it a bit differently. Dr.约翰。杜威是美国最深刻的哲学家之一,他对此的说法稍有不同。

7.Socrates was one of the most famous Greek philosophers, whose teaching Plato reported in his dialogues.苏格拉底是古希腊最著名的哲学家,他对柏拉图的教导,记录在柏拉图的对话录【2】里。

8.Thus the philosophers of the rupng classes made it a law of nature that women should be inferior to man.这样,统治阶级的哲学家们便把妇女应该低于男人一等说成是自然法则。

9.The notion of modapty derives from Aristotle. It has been a continuous study which interested many logicians, philosophers and pnguists.情态概念源于亚里士多德时期,是许多逻辑学家,哲学家,语言学家长期一直感兴趣的研究问题之一。

10.Among the company of old white-bearded philosophers there is a young man with a black pointed beard.在这一大群胡须苍白的哲学家中,有一位年轻人有黑色的尖拱胡须。