




1.收到礼物 ... He won't go,either. 他也不去。 receive a gift 收到礼物 receive new ideas 接受新思想 ...

2.接受礼物 ... 赠送的艺术: the art of giving 接受礼物receive a gift 22. 老实说: to be honest ...

3.接到礼物 ... present sb with a gift 向某人赠送礼物 receive a gift 接到礼物 refuse a gift 拒绝礼物 ...

4.受到礼物 ( receive a gift 受到礼物, ( be interested in sth. 对...感兴趣, ...


1."All you have to do when you receive a gift is show appreciation, " she said, "and follow up with a thank-you note. "她说:“当收到老板的一份礼物后,要做的一切只是表达感激,然后送一张感谢卡片。”

2.But you will soon receive a gift as a token of my affection for you on this happy occasion.值此节日之际,附寄贺礼,以表我对你的挚情。

3.I prefer to receive a gift that has some thought behind it. I don't mind if it's something I don't need.我更希望收到的礼物是有些意义在里面的,我并不介意这是不是我所需要的。

4.In some countries, a young woman may receive a gift of clothing from a young man. If she keeps the gift, it means she will marry him.在一些国家,年轻女子会收到年轻男子送来的衣物礼品.如果她留下礼物,则代表她将会嫁给他。

5.On Valentine's Day, would I receive a gift from you(, dearest)?情人节那天我会受到你的礼物吗(,最爱的)

6.Please note in your phone, we will keep you informed of the designated sites to receive a gift.请留意你的电话,随时我们将通知你到指定地点领取礼品一份。

7.Make sure you can give appreciation when you receive a gift .收到礼物时一定要表达感谢。

8.lovely, on Valentine's Day, would I receive a gift from you?亲爱的,情人节那天我会受到你的礼物吗?

9.I prefer to receive a gift that has some thought behind it.我宁愿收到背后有某种含义的礼物。

10.Anyone promising to create jobs should receive a gift of capital from the government to invest.任何创造就业的承诺都会接受一份来自政府的现金赠品去进行投资。