


美式发音: [ˈfɪzɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['fɪzɪk(ə)l]




复数:physicals  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.physical science,physical nature,physical labour,physical fatigue,physical exam




physical显示所有例句adj.身体the body

1.[ubn]身体的;肉体的;躯体的connected with a person's body rather than their mind

physical fitness健康体魄

physical appearance外貌

The ordeal has affected both her mental and physical health.痛苦的经历损害了她的身心健康。

He tends to avoid all physical contact.他倾向于避免一切身体接触。

实物real things

2.[obn]客观存在的;现实的;物质的;有形的connected with things that actually exist or are present and can be seen, felt, etc. rather than things that only exist in a person's mind

the physical world/universe/environment客观世界╱宇宙╱环境

the physical properties(= the colour, weight, shape, etc.) of copper铜的物理性质


3.[obn]根据自然规律的;符合自然法则的according to the laws of nature

It is a physical impossibility to be in two places at once.同时身处两地在自然法则上是不可能的。

4.[obn]物理学的connected with the scientific study of forces such as heat, light, sound, etc. and how they affect objects

physical laws物理定律


5.性欲的;肉欲的involving sex

physical love性爱

They are having a physical relationship.他们有着性关系。


6.(informal)爱触摸他人的;爱动手动脚的liking to touch other people a lot

She's not very physical.她不爱摩摩挲挲的。


7.(informal)使用武力的;粗暴的violent (used to avoid saying this in a direct way)

Are you going to cooperate or do we have to get physical?你是合作呢,还是要我们动粗?


1.体检;体格检查a medical examination of a person's body, for example, to check that they are fit enough to do a particular job


adj.1.relating to your body rather than your mind2.able to be seen, touched, or felt3.existing in the real world, rather than in someones imagination4.relating to the way that someone or something looks5网站屏蔽ed about activities that involve people touching or hitting each other a lot; used about sexual activity; a physical person touches people a lot, either in a friendly or a rough way6.relating to physics1.relating to your body rather than your mind2.able to be seen, touched, or felt3.existing in the real world, rather than in someones imagination4.relating to the way that someone or something looks5网站屏蔽ed about activities that involve people touching or hitting each other a lot; used about sexual activity; a physical person touches people a lot, either in a friendly or a rough way6.relating to physics

n.1.a physical examination

1.身体的 mining n. 采矿 physical adj. 身体的 fine adj. 好的 ...

2.物理的 phrase n. 短语;习惯用语 physical a. 身体的;物理的 physical education 体育 ...

3.物质的 mentally ad. 智力上,脑力上 physical a. 身体的;物质的;物理学的 potential n. 潜力 ...



6.实体实体(Physical)标准, 而 DIS13490 则是订出 CD-R光碟片上资料的逻辑架构 (Logical). 唯读型光碟的基本概念   在详述 CD-R册区 …


1.It seems to me that it's more than physical.在我看来,这不仅仅是身体方面。

2.Parents could be almost shocked and certainly surprised to see that how technology could negatively impact children's physical health.父母见到科技会如何负面地影响到儿童的健康之后会非常地惊奇。

3.If the physical properties were inferior to steel, we would expect to see aircraft made of materials other than aluminum.如果物理性能不亚于钢铁,我们希望看到飞机了其他的材料比铝。

4.Earth guided her to tie up all her remaining attachments to the physical plane into packages that denoted completion.地球引导她将物质层的所有剩余连线都打包,而那表明了终结。

5.Not only does Islam take into consideration a woman's physical condition, but it also cares for her feelings in this delicate time.伊斯兰不但顾及到妇女的生理状况,而且也照顾到她们在生理时期的感受。

6.And in a state of physical balance and security, power, intellectual as well as physical, would be out of place.在身体健康和没有危险的情况下,体力和智力都会变得无所适从。

7.The stratiform cloud can be simulated with a one-dimensional model, duo to its uniform horizontal distribution of physical characters.层状云由于在水平上较为均匀,可以用一维模式来模拟其云微物理过程。

8.Not a physical injury, is the soul of a thousand wounds, a hundred holes, they are vivid, as if just happened.没有人身伤害,而是一群千疮百孔的灵魂,它们是生动的,仿佛刚刚发生。

9.However, it is going to be up to each individual to see that their maximum physical condition is achieved and maintained.不过,各人情况不同,要分别考察每一个人是否达到或保持在他们身体的最大极限。

10.You don't want to go out in such rotten weather. It's better for you to stay at home to stretch your legs and do physical exercises.这种糟糕的天气让人不想出去,你还不如在家舒展一下筋骨,做做运动。