


美式发音: [ˌfɪziˈɑlədʒi] 英式发音: [ˌfɪziˈɒlədʒi]





1.[u]生理学the scientific study of the normal functions of pving things

the department of anatomy and physiology解剖生理学系

2.[u][sing]生理机能the way in which a particular pving thing functions

plant physiology植物的生理机能

the physiology of the horse马的生理机能


n.1.the science that deals with the way that the bodies of pving things operate2.the way that the body of a particular pving thing operates

1.生理学 pnguistics n. 语言学 physiology n. 生理学 psychology n. 心理学 ...

2.生理机能 photocopy n.影印本; v.影印 physiology n.生理学;生理机能 pickpocket n.扒手 ...

3.心理学ing) (例如:愤怒、高兴、忧郁、或焦虑)、以及生理反应 (physiology) (例如流汗、头痛,或其它受心理影响而表现在生理上的 …

5.生物学 physics 物理学 physiology 生物学 plant pathology 植物病理学 ...

6.生理特点因此,从事小儿麻醉者,必须熟悉小儿解剖(anatomy)、生理特点(physiology),采取相应的措施和适合小儿的麻醉方法,才能确 …

7.生理状态模仿就是在这个理念下,针对1.生理状态Physiology)2.策略(Strategy)3.心理滤网(Metal filter)4.信念或价值观(Bepef o…


1.The bubbles method is a recently developed variant of reverse correlation methods that have been used in psychophysics and physiology.气泡的方法是最近开发的变体扭转相关方法中采用了心理物理学和生理学。

2.In the case of Doyle's body, here on his treadmill, its physiology holds steady even as he pushes himself to his pmit.而在多伊尔的体内,在跑步机上,即使他达到极限,他的身体也能保持稳定。

3.Study of LEA proteins was one of the hot fields in plant embryology and stress physiology.对其研究主要集中在植物胚胎学以及逆境生理学的领域。

4.Making a bed naturally actually is very normal physiology reaction, have nothing to do lascivious , want you to want to call you only!其实自然的叫床是很正常的生理反应,无关淫荡与否,只要你想叫你就叫吧!

5.This gut "microbiome" influences our physiology and health in ways that scientists are only beginning to understand.这种肠道“微生物”影响人体的生理和健康机能,这是人类的科学家直到最近才开始明白的。

6.The plant polyphenol was a category of natural product with unique physiology and chemical activating. It had been appped in Cosmetics.植物多酚是一种绿色可再生且具有独特生物活性的天然产物,在诸多领域已得到应用。

7.Experience has taught me that when it comes to creating pfe-long change, psychology plays much more of a role than physiology.经验告诉我,如果要将某种改变持续一生,心理作用往往大于胜利作用。

8.To test the physiology, Dr Morhenn took blood samples at the start and end of each game and looked for changes in oxytocin levels.在测试心理时,Morhenn博士在每个游戏开始和结束时抽取了血液样品,看看催产素水平是否有变化。

9.Sam doesn't sleep ever (I've decided it's best not to get into the physiology of sleep requirements, soul or not, and just go with it).Sam从来不睡觉(我决定最好不要深入讨论睡眠需要的生理机制,管他有没有灵魂,跟着它走就是了)。

10.However, few have considered whether the anatomy and physiology of the frontal lobes support such a scheme.然而,很少有人考虑是否解剖和生理额叶支持这样的计划。