




1.司徒俊文 Still Birth 死产 ; 死胎 ; 哑产 Still Sad 司徒俊文 ; 你走了那么久 still image 静态影像 ; 静止图像 ; 静态图像 ; 施致远 ...

2.乱感觉)单色凌(试探你的温柔,蝶变,触碰纯白,违心爱情)乱感觉still sad)都是我很喜欢的。

3.虚脱的诺言  问什么你背着我爱别人--许志安,虚脱的诺言still sad)--司徒俊文,爆了--古巨基,十一年--女生版,2011-8-30 海贼王510集 …

4.依旧歌曲 你走了那么久 我依旧(still sad) 相见不如不见 歌手 司徒俊文歌曲试听 日志 标签 谁听过 统计 评价 歌手资料 司徒俊文 推荐 …


1.Originally thought that it is only a beautiful dream, in the dream afraid of leaving pale memory, leaving one eye endless air was still sad.原本以为这只不过是一个美丽的梦,担心会在梦醒后留下苍白的记忆,会留下一眼无尽的空朦兀自伤心。

2.Nevertheless he was still sad and reserved, and joined more in the work than in the pleasures of his companions.但是他还是愁眉不展,很少说话,经常和伙伴一起参加工作,却很少跟大家一起谈笑。

3.Desperately looking for your shadow, we belong to the past, but the result is still sad.拼命寻找你的影子,属于我们的过去,可是结局依然悲伤。

4.When one weeps with another who weeps, they are still sad, but at least not lonely.一个人和另外一个人一起哭泣时,虽然还是要悲伤,但他们至少不再孤独了。

5.Don't mention anything about her ex-boyfriend because she's still sad about the break-up.不要提到任何有关她前男友的事,因为她还没走出分手的伤痛。

6.Frank seemed glad to be home, but still sad.回国后弗兰克似乎很高兴,但仍然有些伤心。

7.But, seeing the flowers gone, a row of Yan, written as Akino barren. A lost roadside fruit, still sad summer salad.可是,眼见花香已逝,一行归雁,写尽秋野的荒芜。一枝遗落路边的果实,还在感伤夏日的青涩。

8.I think I still, sad time smipng, happy tears of course, when selfless input. . .我想我还是那样,难过的时候微笑,开心的时候流泪,投入的时候奋不顾身…

9.The feepng of a lot of sadness of the person is former from empty, that is empty dreariness after all, be still sad dreariness ?人的很多悲伤的感觉都是原自空虚,那究竟是空虚可怕,还是悲伤可怕?

10.Thought can't hear you sing the song, although still sad, but then you are a love my you, only then knew this is a wonderful memories.思想不能听你唱的歌,虽然悲伤,但你是爱我的你,才知道这是一个美好的回忆。