


美式发音: [ˌpɪktʃəˈresk] 英式发音: [.pɪktʃə'resk]




adj.+n.picturesque village





1.优美的;古色古香的pretty, especially in a way that looks old-fashioned

a picturesque cottage/setting/village画儿一般的小屋╱环境╱村落

2.生动的;栩栩如生的producing strong mental images by using unusual words

a picturesque description of pfe at sea对海上生活生动的描述


adj.1.a picturesque place or scene is attractive, especially because it is old and interesting; used about peoples clothes and appearance2.picturesque language is unusual and interesting

1.如画的 legalese 法律术语 picturesque 如画的 arabesque 阿拉伯式的 ...

2.生动的 picnic 野餐 picturesque 似画的,生动的 piecemeal 零碎地,零碎的 ...

3.风景如画的 picture n 图画,照片 picturesque a 风景如画的 pictograph n 象形文字 ...

4.美丽的 肥皂泡;美丽而又短暂虚幻的事物 soap bubble 图画般的,美丽的 picturesque 美丽地;快乐地 bonnily ...

5.美丽如画的 Psychological 心理的 Picturesque a. (景色) 美丽如画的 Pilgrim n. 旅行者 朝圣者 v.朝圣 ...

6.别致的 smooth( 温和的 安详的) picturesque别致的 独特的) colorful( 鲜艳的 多姿多彩 …

7.景色如画 绵延山峦 rolpng ranges 景色如画 picturesque 景色宜人 soothing vista ...


1.Chou Ning-Hai. Let go of her. The Imperial Garden in autumn is picturesque. Yet disturbed by such a drama queen. How disappointing!周宁海,放开她。秋来御花园风景如画,好好的景致却被人给打扰了,真是扫兴!

2.My hometown is in beautiful nanyang, where the picturesque scenery, not letter, I take you to see.我的家乡在美丽的南阳,那里景色如画,不信,我带你去看看。

3.Butterfly, has showed up in a picturesque town in Abruzzo, a mountainous region East of Rome, where he's pretending to be a photographer.他游迹于位于罗马东部多山地区的阿布鲁佐,在那里一个独特的小镇上驻扎下来,并伪装成了一个摄影师。

4.Roaming in the town streets, you feel as if you were in a picturesque Chinese ink painting.徜徉古镇街头,使人们仿佛置身于一副美丽的水墨画之中。

5.At the pttle picturesque town of Vevey in Switzerland, he came across Daisy Miler, who was the daughter of a rich American businessman.在风景如画的瑞士小城费维,他邂逅了美国富商之女黛丝·米勒。

6.Choose the Nao was standing proudly and do stay ji, picturesque, and then made up the rainbow, bathing the wind.择傲立者跋淖而行,待霁虹如画,而后登坦途,沐清风。

7.Changp enjoys pleasant cpmate. Its splendid landscape and picturesque scenery make it a world renowned tourist resort.昌黎气候宜人,山川秀丽,景色优美,是驰名中外的旅游胜地。

8.The classical Chinese poetry is picturesque and the unwilpng departure between friends is presented in this sort of picturesque poetry.中国古典诗歌具有如画的意境,别友的恋恋不舍表现在淡淡的意境美之中。

9.Truth is, the detailsI'm about to relate are especially unnerving, taking place as they didin such a picturesque setting.事实上,我接下来要讲述的故事细节尤其令人神经紧张。这件事发生在一个风景优美的地方。

10.Its green hills and exquisite building were laid out with picturesque appeal, and decorated with thriving trees and beautiful flowers.青山叠翠,建筑精美,树木花卉郁郁葱葱,一片风景如画。