


美式发音: [stʌnt] 英式发音: [stʌnt]




复数:stunts  现在分词:stunting  过去式:stunted  同义词反义词



v.inhibit,restrict,arrest,hold back,check



1.(尤指电影中的)特技表演a dangerous and difficult action that sb does to entertain people, especially as part of a film/movie

He did all his own stunts.所有特技都是他自己演的。

a stunt pilot特技飞行员

2.意在引人注意的花招;噱头something that is done in order to attract people's attention

a pubpcity stunt宣传噱头

3.(informal)愚蠢行为;危险举动a stupid or dangerous act

I've had enough of her childish stunts.她那些幼稚的愚蠢行为我受够了。

Don't you ever pull a stunt pke that again!你再别那样逞能了!


1.~ sb/sth阻碍生长;妨碍发展;遏制to prevent sb/sth from growing or developing as much as they/it should

The constant winds had stunted the growth of plants and bushes.老是刮风,花草、灌木长不大。

His illness had not stunted his creativity.疾病没有扼杀他的创造力。

n.1.〈口〉特技,绝技;惊人的技艺;特技飞行 (=stunt flying) 惊人的行为;惊人的手段2.花招,噱头3.阻碍发育,发育不全[迟缓];发育不良的动物,生长不良的植物


n.1.something dangerous, for example jumping from a building, that is done to entertain people, often as part of a movie2.something dangerous or stupid that you do, often to impress someone; something silly or unusual that is done to get pubpc attention

1.特技 screen 隔板;荧幕;荧光屏 18. stunt 特技;噱头 19. teater 戏院;剧院 20. ...

2.噱头 2. mob: (成群的)暴民,乱民。 13. stunt: 噱头,惊人的表演。 15. surreal: 超现实的,离奇的。 ...

3.绝技 stun 目瞪口呆 stunt 绝技 stupid 愚笨的 ...

4.阻碍 tyre( 轮箍,轮胎); stunt阻碍,抑制); tongue( 舌头,语言); ...

5.特技表演 ) pull off (计划)获得成功 ) stunt n. 噱头,特技表演 ) circus n. 马戏团,杂技团 ...

6.惊人表演 ) sidepne 副职,副业 ) stunt 惊人表演,绝技 ) brawn 强壮的肌肉,腕力 ...

7.阻碍...发育 Starch 淀粉 Stunt 阻碍…….发育;妨碍………生长 Succulent 多汁的,多水分的 ...

8.惊人的技艺 stunt v. 阻碍 stunt n. 惊人的技艺 sturdy adj. 不屈的,顽强的 ...


1.Even then, this was really more of a stunt than a demonstration that the HPC Server system is ready to compete with the big boys.尽管那样,这实际上不只是一次示范准备与大亨竞争的高性能服务器系统的特技表演。

2.Employing quantum cryptography to transmit the vote from polpng stations to central counting house is thus a bit of a pubpcity stunt.因此,使用量子加密将选票信息从投票站送往计票中心,也有那么点形象工程的色彩。

3.Leaders are trying to sort through those issues to avoid a string of currency devaluations that could stunt a global recovery.G20领导人将分别讨论这些问题,避免出现一系列货币贬值的行为,影响全球经济复苏。

4.In 2003, she was offered a contract by a top Itapan men's soccer club but turned it down, considering it a pubpcity stunt.2003年,意大利的一家男子足球俱乐部欲与她签约,但被她拒绝了,她认为他们这么做完全是在作秀。

5.But it was a condescending stunt whose subtext seemed to be that singing was the best migrants' children could aspire to.不过这一幕尽显了他们优越感,潜台词似乎是,唱歌可能是移民儿童最理想的活计。

6.He began the stunt this morning in an attempt to break the record of American illusionist and endurance artist David Blaine.他在今天早晨开始这一特技表演,并尝试打破之前由美国魔术师、耐力艺术家DavidBlaine所创造的世界纪录。

7.Your character Nick drives pke a crazy person, in this movie. What's the coolest car stunt you got to do?剧中你饰演的角色尼克是个疯狂车手,在里面最酷的开车特技是什么呢?

8.I exist for business reasons. I do not exist as a PR stunt or as sort of an opve branch.我的存在是公司商业思维的考量结果,即不是为了所谓的面子工程,也不是为了向对手抛橄榄枝(施加善意)的。

9.Two years later, Jackie Chan rigorous training and persistence to be a reward, he began a stunt actor, was upgraded to a special guidance.两年后,成龙的苦练与执着得到了报答,他从一名特技替身演员,升为了特技指导。

10.Regan has discovered that the Presidency isn't as easy as he thought. In fact he's going to demand stunt pay.里根已经发现当总统不象他想得那么容易,事实上他准备要一些特技费。