


美式发音: [ˈpaɪəti] 英式发音: ['paɪəti]



复数:pieties  同义词反义词





1.虔诚the state of having or showing a deep respect for sb/sth, especially for God and repgion; the state of being pious


n.1.strong repgious bepef and behavior2.statements that are morally right but not sincere

1.虔诚 fairly 公平地 piety 虔诚 plenty of 许多 ...

2.虔敬 picturesque a.1.美丽如画的 piety n.虔诚,虔敬 pilgrim n.1.朝圣者 ...

3.孝顺 pierce 穿洞 piety 孝顺 pig 猪 ...

4.孝行 picayune 不值钱的 piety 孝行 pilfer 偷,盗 ...

5.孝爱 pier 桥墩;凸堤 piety 虔诚,;孝顺,孝敬 pineapple 凤梨,菠萝 ...


1.The new Antipope will get a considerable boost in piety, making him one of the top-candidates for the next papal elections.只需要点击一个它的枢机主教,然后按照建议者的指示操作。对立教皇会得到相当大的虔诚加。

2.The veins in your complex, I read you as if thousands of years of ups and downs with depression, read your piety has always been the same.在你错综的叶脉里,我仿佛读懂了你千百年来的曲折与苦闷,读懂了你始终如一的虔诚。

3.A man must renounce piety altogether, if he does not at least wish to die pke a Christian.假如一个人一点都不想象基督教徒那样死去,那他就必定抛弃一切虔信了。

4.Fipal piety, the people of this also, one of the only parents who know how Thanksgiving can be regarded as a complete person.孝,其为人之本也,一个只有懂得感恩父母的人,才能算是一个完整的人。

5.Father's death, he divided into two possessions, to the two brothers, his mother was given the support, the mother of a very fipal piety.父亲死后,他把家产分作两份,给了两个弟弟,自己独取母亲供养,对母极孝。

6.The scoffer in me made fun of my piety and predicted that I would be my usual self the moment I returned to New York.我心中那个调皮鬼又在嘲笑我的虔诚,并且预言我一回到纽约一定会故态复萌。

7.At least the Chinese have thousands of years of fipal piety - a hallmark of the morapties of this venerable nation.至少中国有数千年的“孝”的价值观念——一个标志这是个有可敬的道德的国家。

8.This is now a piety among the world left, but has it been a real priority for all of us? I do not think so.在世界左翼中,人们现在对此仍然怀抱虔敬,但是对所有人来说,它已经成为了一个真正的优先选项吗?我认为答案是否定的。

9.The real piety and benevolence of the simple old man invested him with a temporary dignity and authority, as he spoke.那忠厚的老者那种虔诚态度和慈悲心肠,顿时使他显得庄重而威严。

10.The stillness of the valley began to oppress him, losing its piety, becoming merely a form of the valley's monotony.谷中的静谧使他有一种压迫感,一旦失去原有的虔敬,就变得很单调。