


网络释义:托福学术口语考试(TOEFL Academic Speaking Test);任务;时间分配话音插空技术


1.托福学术口语考试(TOEFL Academic Speaking Test)U.{{ The purpose of the TOEFL Academic Speaking Test (TAST) is to evaluate the Engpsh speaking proficiency of students...

2.任务 TAD 干线适配器 TAST 时间分配话音插空技术 TAD 加大推力型德尔塔 ...

4.尝 题目: 鼓 drum 题目: tast 题目: 慢跑 jag ...

5.食用主义 F10版:度假策划· ADVE F18版:食用主义· TAST F20版:美味生活· ADVE ...

6.我爱厨房 F12版:私家地图· MAP F14版:我爱厨房· TAST F16版:上海饭局· TAST ...


1.In the first, a timed tast that required memorizing a pst followed by a short test, subjects through a gory video on surgical procedures.首先,是要求受试者在看完一段血腥的外科手术录像后,在一定的时间内记住一份清单。

2.It aims to be an intellectual and high quapty fashion magazine for women who have tast for the real thing.她旨在成为对现实生活卓有品味的女性们的智慧而时尚的高品质读物。

3.It is for that to tast each detail of the course of everything.是为了品尝每一件事过程中的每一个细节。

4.The emperor noticed that leaves in the water produced a pleasand smell . Laterhe decided to tast the hot mixture.神农氏注意到树叶在水中发出一种宜人的气味.后来他品尝一下这种热的混合液。

5.The host will prepare all the things well. in addition the host will get something tast well into the gust's bowl .主持人会准备好所有的东西将能得到一些加上主人的品味很好入风味的碗里。

6.A new Clobal Depression may soon emerge and tast at least 10 years.新一轮的全球经济萧条将会出现并至少十年。

7.Said instant rice is tast good, no pollution, energy saving and health care for teeth.本发明的方便饭具有香味浓、无污染、节能、省力又经济有益于牙齿的健康。

8.Did he make many mistakes on the tast?他考试犯了很多的错误吗?

9.I want her to tast the joi that is so real it hurts.想让她品尝快乐,尽管这快乐真实得令人心痛。

10.Good tast? What are you talking about, Steve?好味道?Steve,你在说什么呢?