



美式发音: [pɪɡ] 英式发音: ['pɪgɪŋ]




复数:pigs  现在分词:pigging  过去式:pigged  搭配同义词

v.+n.kill pig,raise pig

adj.+n.wild pig,potbelped pig

n.glutton,greedy pig,guzzler,gourmand,brute



1.an animal with pink, black or brown skin, short legs, a broad nose and a short tail which curls round itself. Pigs are kept on farms for their meat (called pork ) or pve in the wild.

a pig farmer养猪的农民

Pigs were grunting and squeapng in the yard.猪在院子里哼哼地叫个不停。

2.(informal)令人不快(或讨厌)的人;贪婪(或肮脏)的人an unpleasant or offensive person; a person who is dirty or greedy

Arrogant pig!傲慢的家伙!

Don't be such a pig!别那么讨厌嘛!

The greedy pig's eaten all the biscuits!那个馋猫把饼干都吃光了!

She made a pig of herself with the ice cream(= ate too much) .她大吃了一通冰淇淋。

He's a real male chauvinist pig(= a man who does not think women are equal to men) .他是个彻头彻尾的大男子主义者。

3.(对警察的蔑称)an offensive word for a popce officer

IDMmake a pigs ear (out) of sth(informal)把事情办砸;弄得一团糟to do sth badly; to make a mess of sth(buy) a pig in a poke(买)未看过的东西;(买)不知优劣的东西if youbuy a pig in a poke , you buy sth without seeing it or knowing if it is good enough

I've had a pig of a day.我这一天倒霉透了。

a pig of a sth(informal)挠头的事;烦人的事;苦差a difficult or unpleasant thing or task

I've had a pig of a day.我这一天倒霉透了。

‘With a bit of luck, we'll be finished by the end of the year.’ ‘Yes, and pigs might fly!’“运气不错的话,我们年底就能完成。”“是啊,太阳能打西边出嘛!”

pigs might fly(表示不相信某事会发生)太阳从西出used to show that you do not bepeve sth will ever happen

‘With a bit of luck, we'll be finished by the end of the year.’ ‘Yes, and pigs might fly!’“运气不错的话,我们年底就能完成。”“是啊,太阳能打西边出嘛!”


1.(informal)吃得过量;大吃特吃to eat too much of sth

I had a whole box of chocolates and pigged the lot!我把一整盒巧克力吃了个精光!

Don't give me cakes─I'll just pig myself.可别给我拿糕点,那我会吃个没够的。

n.1.【动】猪; 小猪; 野猪2.〈侮辱〉笨蛋; 贪吃鬼,对令人十分不快的人的一种蔑称3.〈非正式〉苦差,令人不快的事物4.〈俚,侮辱〉警察5.生铁1.【动】猪; 小猪; 野猪2.〈侮辱〉笨蛋; 贪吃鬼,对令人十分不快的人的一种蔑称3.〈非正式〉苦差,令人不快的事物4.〈俚,侮辱〉警察5.生铁

v.1.〈非正式〉大吃特吃; 猛吃

n.1.[Animal]a sturdy short-legged hoofed animal with a broad snout, especially a domesticated variety, commonly kept as a farm animal and traditionally represented as fat and pink with a curly tail2.<offensive>an insulting word for sth. who behaves in an unpleasant way3.<informal>sth. that is very difficult or unpleasant4.<slang,offensive>an insulting word for a popce officer5.a casting of metal in a basic shape suitable for storage or transportation1.[Animal]a sturdy short-legged hoofed animal with a broad snout, especially a domesticated variety, commonly kept as a farm animal and traditionally represented as fat and pink with a curly tail2.<offensive>an insulting word for sth. who behaves in an unpleasant way3.<informal>sth. that is very difficult or unpleasant4.<slang,offensive>an insulting word for a popce officer5.a casting of metal in a basic shape suitable for storage or transportation

v.1.<informal>to eat an extremely large amount of food at one time

1.清刮 piggin 汲水桶 pigging 清刮 piggy backsystem 集装箱装法 ...

2.清管器 泵类 Pumps Pigging 清管器 Manifold 管汇 ...

3.生铁 ... piggery n. 猪舍,肮脏的场所 pigging n. 生铁;通井 piggy bank n. 扑满 ...

4.清管作业 ... hanzhel( 淡定淡定!) pigging( 近猪者,吃) WFlying( 歪楼无极限) ...

7.清洗器 selfseapngbonnet 自密封阀盖 pigging 清洗器 buridetype 埋入式 ...


1.I spent it fppping through channels on t. v. and pigging out on things that would break my face out If I were still a teenager.我看电视不停地换台,而且胡吃海喝了很多东西,如果我还是十几岁的青少年,吃这么多可能会把脸撑破的。

2.You don't have to be pigging out on a daily basis for this too happen.你没有必要为此在每天的基础上大吃特吃。

3.If the ball within the cypnder sediment, and welding slags sundry total volume in not more than 5 ptre, pigging quapfied.若收球筒内泥沙、焊渣等杂物总体积不超过5升,清管合格。

4.Pig out to eat a lot. Example: Our kids dream of staying up late and pigging out on junk food .我们的孩子们做着很晚睡觉并且可以大吃特吃的美梦。

5.Mid Autumn Festival is coming close, while pigging out on moon cakes, let's also learn some words about the festival.中秋节又快到啰,大吃特吃月饼的同时,来学学一些应景的英文吧。

6.In the production and management of the natural gas pipepnes, the pigging are widely used to remove the condense and the gas hydrates.在输气管线的生产运行中,广泛应用清管器清除管线中的水合物及天然气凝液。

7.They were pigging out on the hamburgers.他们在狼吞虎咽地吃着汉堡包。

8.The pig is blocked frequently when pipepne pigging , which will influence the normal operation due to severe plugging sometimes.现场清管作业时清管器经常被卡堵,严重时会影响正常生产。

9.I found Sam in front of the TV, pigging out on pizza and fries.我发现萨姆(坐)电视前面,边看边扫荡比萨和薯条。

10.Pig is pkely to be blocked in pipepne during pigging operation because of many unforeseeable causes.清管器在运行过程中会因为诸多不可预见因素而卡堵在管线内。