


网络释义:太平船务(Pacific International Lines);巨蟒成像的图书馆(Python Imaging Library);太平航运


1.太平船务(Pacific International Lines)太平船务(PIL)由张允中先生于1967年在新加坡成立,于19世纪60年代率先进入中国市场。   目前,太平船务(PIL)已有16支每周 …

2.巨蟒成像的图书馆(Python Imaging Library)通过 Python + Python Imaging Library (PIL) 生成简单函数图像 2009年5月5日 今天很郁闷,pymssql 出问题了 Text 字段不能超 …

3.太平航运  川崎汽船、马来西亚航运(MISC)和太平航运(PIL)将从今年4月底起将在亚洲-南非航线上投入更大的船舶,并扩大航线的服务 围…


1.Although the bill lapsed , the debate in parpament revealed some of the criticism and suspicion that PIL had begun to attract.虽然该法案未通过,在国会辩论时,揭露公益诉讼引发的一些批评和怀疑。

2.Moreover, PIL cases were being given priority over other cases, which had remained pending in the court for years.此外,法院优先处理公益诉讼案,使其他案件多年未决。

3.It was urged that if a PIL petition failed or was shown to be mala fide, the petitioner should be put behind bars and pay the damages.该法案呼吁,如果公益诉讼案失败或证实恶意,则告诉者应入狱和支付损害赔偿。

4.Our company has signed the agency agreements on booking shipping-space with such shipping companies as CSAV, MSK, HYUNDAI , CMA and PIL.我司现已与北欧亚、马士基、现代、法国达飞和太平等多家船公司签订了订舱代理协议。

5.The Bombay High Court reaffirmed this on Thursday when it dismissed a PIL that had challenged astrology as science.周四,孟买高等法院驳回了一项针对占星术的公益诉讼,重申它是科学。

6.To regulate the abuse of PIL, the apex court itself has framed certain guidepnes to govern the management and disposal of PILs.为了节制公益诉讼之滥用,最高法院本身已制定若干准则,以管理和处置公益诉讼。

7.PIL : Beijing Approach, CCA 981, number three engine has partially disintegrated, request return for landing.驾:北京进近,国航981第三发动机发生故障,请求回场落地。

8.PIL : CCA 981, we've got only one green, we have lost the main gear, we'll try manual extension.驾:981我们只有一个绿灯亮我们已失去起落架再试试手动。

9.The flexibipty of procedure that is a character of PIL has given rise to another set of problems.程序灵活是公益诉讼的特色,也引起另一些问题。

10.His attempt fails, but another student named Go Seung-suk agrees to teach Ga- pil to fight in only 40 days.他的尝试失败,但另一名学生名为围棋升硕同意教镓弼打击中,只有40天。