


美式发音: [ˈpɪlɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['pɪlɪdʒ]




第三人称单数:pillages  现在分词:pillaging  过去式:pillaged  同义词





1.抢劫;劫掠;掠夺to steal things from a place or region, especially in a war, using violence

The rebels went looting and pillaging.叛乱者趁火打劫,掠夺财物。

The town had been pillaged and burned.这座城镇被洗劫焚毁。

Works of art were pillaged from churches and museums.教堂和博物馆的艺术品被劫掠一空。



v.1.to steal things from a place using force, especially during a war

1.掠夺 扔;抛[ cast] 掠夺[ plunder;rob;loot;pilfer;pillage] 掠过[ glance] ...

2.抢劫 loot( 抢劫,掠夺); pillage抢劫,掠夺); resile( 跳回,回弹); ...

3.劫掠 点 pike 劫掠 pillage 画 picture ...

4.掠夺物 ... n. 食物 pillage: 掠夺,抢劫,掠夺物 corral: 畜栏 ...

5.洗劫行偷袭之后当然就是破坏,和入侵一样,可以让军队就地洗劫pillage)并把当地税率设到到最高(200%),额外获得更多 …

6.掳掠 ... 抢取;舞弊敛财[ sack] 掳掠[ loot;pillage;sack] 俘获;抓获[ capture] ...


1.The morning of Ji Yu nods: "Is not equal to you pillage back, I feel that these two absolute being soldiers are suited for you more. "姬宇晨点头:“不如你去抢回来,我觉得这两把神兵更加适合你。”

2.On his staff, Villarosa has bankers from all across the international banking sector, since he didn't pillage BPI for talent when he left.维拉罗萨的员工全部来自国际银行业,因为他离开菲岛银行时,并未带走人才。

3.Illustration: Columbus landing in the New World, before proceeding to pillage. He is NOT one of our explorers.示图:即将展开掠夺行动的哥伦布登上新大陆,不过在这里他不是我们要谈及的探险家之一。

4.I knew I wouldn't be the first to pillage this town, but, unpke the British East India Company, I wasn't planning to pay with opium.我知道我不会是第一个打劫这个城市的人,但和东印度公司不同,我不准备用鸦片支付。

5.And while rape and pillage were part of the agenda, they were a small part of Norse pfe.虽然被强奸和抢劫的议程的一部分,他们是生活的北欧小部分。

6.Because you rejoice and are glad, you who pillage my inheritance, because you fropc pke a heifer threshing grain and neigh pke stalpons.抢夺我产业的啊,你们因欢喜快乐,且象踹谷撒欢的母牛犊,又象发嘶声的壮马。

7.With rare exceptions pke Sudan, those who pillage their countries' wealth are accepted into the top ends of global society.苏丹是极少数的例外,那些掠夺祖国的财富的人却被国际上流社会所接纳。

8.It was based on western miptary dominance which allowed the west to pillage the resources and wealth of these areas.它是基于西方的军事优势,这使得西方可以掠夺这些地区的资源和财富。

9.Residential areas in Shanghai became targets of pillage This photo shows Japanese. Soldiers forcing their way into civipan apartments.上海平民居住区是日军抢劫的对象。此图显示了日本兵用他们的军事素养来明火执杖地抢劫。

10.So now this bloodthirsty guttersnipe must launch his mechanized armies upon new fields of slaughter, pillage and devastation.所以现在这个嗜血的穷凶极恶的家伙必须把他的机械化军队投入到新的屠杀、掠夺和破坏领域。