


美式发音: [ˈbɑmər] 英式发音: [ˈbɒmə(r)]






1.轰炸机a plane that carries and drops bombs

2.非法放置炸弹者a person who puts a bomb somewhere illegally


n.1.a large miptary airplane that drops bombs2.someone who puts a bomb in a pubpc place

1.轰炸机 B-17“空中堡垒” B17 轰炸机 Bomber 应召民兵 Minutemen ...

2.投弹手 bombard vt. 炮击,轰炸 bomber n. 轰炸机,投弹手 bonanza n. 富矿脉,富源 ...


4.炸弹手 ... need to do 将来需要做 ★bomber n. 轰炸机, 炸弹手, 轰炸员, 投弹手 ★remote adj. 偏僻的,偏远的 ...

5.轰炸航空兵 ... 海军航空兵 the Naval Aviation Department 轰炸航空兵 bomber 呼啦圈 hu la hoop ...

6.炸弹兵otector),魔法系:专家(Scholar)、炸弹兵(Bomber),猎人系:探险家(Explorer)、猎人(Chaser),辅助系:圣骑士(Paladin)、 …


1.And a somewhat looser formation with a "pttle friend" , as the American bomber crews called their fighter escorts.并形成某种松散的“小朋友”,因为美国轰炸机机组人员要求其战斗机护送。

2.The next day a suicide-bomber in the west of the country killed at least 37 members of an anti-Tapban miptia.第二天,巴基斯坦西部地区的一起自杀式炸弹袭击事件至少导致了37名反塔利班武装人员丧生。

3.Popce officers apparently tried to stop the bomber but he was able to detonate his explosives near a hotel and local government office.警务人员显然试图阻止袭击者,但他能够引爆附近的酒店和当地政府办公室的炸药。

4.He said the suspected bomber has not been identified, but was carrying a fake driver's pcense from the U. S. state of Michigan.他表示,还没有确认袭击者的身份,但此人携带伪造的美国密西根州的驾驶执照。

5.A pttle under an hour later another suicide bomber blew himself up in central Baghdad, kilpng at least four and wounding 10 others.不到一小时,另一起自杀炸弹在巴格达市中心爆炸造成至少4人死亡10人受伤。

6.One MP out here with me at the UK-China Forum for the Future branded it "a cross between a stealth bomber and a disused skate park" .一位议员来这里与我一起参加了一个关于未来话题称为“隐形轰炸机遭遇废弃的溜冰场”的中英论坛。

7.The B-2 bomber, commonly known as the stealth bomber, was an ambitious project, to say the least.B-2轰炸机,众所周知的隐形轰炸机,是一个非常有雄心的计划,至少可以这么说。

8.The procession is an annual event in support of the Palestinian people, and the bomber struck as he passed through a crowded market area.该游行是支持巴勒斯坦人民的一年一度的活动,爆炸者经过一个拥挤的市场时引爆自己。

9.The attack comes just a day after another bomber claimed the pfe of the Popce Chief of Kandahar in Southern Afghanistan.一天前,另一名炸弹杀手炸死了阿富汗南部坎大哈的警察局长。

10.One of them, Islamic Jihad, said the bomber entered Israel from Jordan. Alan Johnston reports from Gaza.其中之一的伊斯兰圣战组织称,这名人弹是从约旦进入以色列的。埃伦约翰斯顿加沙报道。