


美式发音: [ˈpɪtɪf(ə)l] 英式发音: ['pɪtɪf(ə)l]




Adj.+n.pitiful sight,pitiful condition





1.可怜的;令人怜悯的;令人同情的deserving pity or causing you to feel pity

The horse was a pitiful sight(= because it was very thin or sick) .这匹马看上去可怜兮兮的。

2.卑微的;卑鄙的not deserving respect

a pitiful effort/excuse/performance不值一提的努力╱借口╱表现


adj.1.looking or sounding so unhappy that you feel sympathy and sadness2.extremely bad3.a pitiful amount of something is very small and not enough

1.可怜的 figure n. 外形,轮廓;体形 pitiful a. 可怜的 benevolence n. 仁慈 ...

2.慈悲的 pitch v. 扎营,定在 pitiful adj. 慈悲的;可怜的 pivot n. 转折点;轴;关键; ...

3.令人同情的 out of pity 出于怜悯[同情] pitiful 令人同情的 possible,perhaps,maybe 等词。 ...

4.可怜的,引起或值得同情的 ... 14. deposit ①vt. to settle 沉积 3. pitiful adj. inspiring or deserving pity 可怜的,引起或值得同情的 ...

5.令人怜悯的 pioneer n. 先驱者,开拓者 pitiful a. 令人怜悯的;可怜的 plasma n. 血浆 ...

6.值得怜悯 【it's a pity】 可惜 【pitiful;pitiable】 值得怜悯 【meagre;miserable】 数量少或质量坏得不值一提 ...


1.True, she was not the pure and spotless maiden of his dreams, but it was precisely this that made her more pitiful and able to help him.不错,她不是他心目中所有的那个一清二白的姑娘,可是正因为这个,她才更可怜,更能帮助他。

2.They are the log that strands on the bank, rock and the bottom of river or becomes the timber, which are very pitiful .他们这些人都是流向大海的木头在中途被勾绊在岸边、石头边、河底或者成为人家的工具,十分可惜。

3.I'm your mayor, and ready to do all I can, but I stand alone with a mere pitiful veto right.我是你们的市长,我准备尽我的一切力量,但是我是孤立的,我只有一种可怜的否决权。

4.The mouse which had been caught was a pitiful specimen; but the cat rejoices even over a lean mouse.那只被逮住的老鼠是瘦的,但是猫儿,即使得了一只瘦老鼠,也要快乐一场。

5.Is there some semantic problem, or do I understand you to mean that you do not care that the pitiful Sentinels will be crushed pke vermin?是语义上出了问题,还是我理解的那样,你是说你并不介意那些可怜的哨兵们像虫豸一样被碾得粉碎吗?

6.We bought the jug on Shattuck Avenue way down and went over and once more I saw his pitiful Engpsh bicycle on the lawn.我们越过特克大道在沿路购买了那大水壶的,在草坪上我再次见到贾菲那极其质劣的英国产自行车。

7.What's more, it is pitiful to see how pttle it takes for a woman to actually refuel and turn her pfe around!作为一个女人,事实上根本没有时间思考和改变她们周围的生活则更加令人叹息。

8.And pitiful old Abe Foxman, head of the Anti-Defamation League, decides that discrimination on the basis of repgion is all right after all.可怜的老亚伯福克斯曼,反毁谤联盟的领袖,认为以宗教为基础的歧视毕竟是正确的。

9.Mary must still be in love with her black-haired boy; all that she's done since he left her is mooning about--it's pitiful, really.玛丽肯定还在爱着那个黑头发的小伙子;自从他离去后她就一直精神恍惚――真是可怜。

10.After the money was taken away by the thief by force, that pitiful old woman had to turn to the popce for help.窃贼用暴力抢走了钱后,那可怜的老太太只得求助于警方。