


美式发音: ['pi:tə] 英式发音: ['pi:tə]

n.口袋面包 (一种扁平的椭圆面包,可加入馅料)





1.皮塔饼,填馅面包,口袋面包 (一种扁平的椭圆面包,可加入馅料)a type of flat bread in the shape of an oval that can be sppt open and filled

n.1.a brightly colored small bird.2.one of the three humors in Ayurvedic medicine, derived from fire and water.3.a flat round unleavened bread, originally from Southwest Asia, that can be opened to insert a filpng

1.皮塔 ... 霸鹟( tyrant flycatcher) 八色鸟pitta) 灶巢鸟( ovenbird) ...

4.八色鸫科 ... 佛法僧科 Dollarbird 八色鸫科 Pitta 琴鸟科 Lyrebird ...

5.火性 科: 八色鸫科 Pittidae 属: 八色鸫属 Pitta 种: 仙八色鸫 P. nympha ...

7.披塔 Vata 瓦塔--风型 Pitta 披塔--胆汁型 Kapha 卡发--黏液型 ...

8.必打 ¤ Chinarat (小) ¤ Pitta (必打) ¤ Kun Paen (坤平) ...

例句释义:,口袋面包 ,皮塔,皮塔饼,八色鸟

1.Still walking up to the village to get a grilled halloumi pitta for breakfast though!但我还是为了一份烤芝士皮塔饼的早餐步行至乡村!

2.any bird of the genus Pitta; brilpantly colored chiefly terrestrial birds with short wings and tail and stout bills.栖木鸟属的鸟;亮丽多彩,主要生活在陆地,尾巴和翅膀短,嘴坚硬。

3.Run out to meet you, chips and pitta.跑出去看你,薯条和皮塔饼。

4.Subsequent portions of pitta bread were charged for.然后皮塔饼面包般的分量还要收费。

5.Even worse than that is the tiny portion of pitta bread you get for scooping up a trough of houmous.这甚至比你能从里面挖出一小勺鹰嘴豆沙的小型皮塔饼面包还糟糕。

6.A pitta, an internationally endangered bird, found on a mountain on Goje island, South Gyeongsang province, South Korea在韩国南庆尚省Goje岛的一座山上,人们终于一睹八色鸟这一国际濒危鸟类的芳容。