




1.皮亚斯 John Paul 若望保禄二世 Pius 皮亚斯 Leo 利奥 ...

2.教皇庇护全力以赴。」当亚尔伐公爵率领军队经过日内瓦的时候,教宗庇乌Pius)五世甚至请他改变原定路线,转攻日内瓦,要他「 …

5.派尔斯 Philemen 菲理蒙 Pius 派尔斯 Quentin 昆廷 ...

6.派厄斯 ... 派厄尼 Pioneer 派厄斯 Pius 派厄沃宁 Piawaning ...

7.教皇比约十二世教皇比约十二世(pius ?),于1943年的通谕(mysticicorporis christi)颁布发表,马利亚是完全不遭罪的染污;她在各各他将儿子呈献给 …


1.If you wish to be brothers, let the arms fall from your hands. One cannot love while holding offensive arms---Pope Pius VI.如果你们想成为兄弟,就把武器从手中放下。拿着进攻性武器无法去爱别人---教皇皮亚斯六世。

2.On this roundel Antoninus Pius is in the middle background, while Antinous is holding a horse on the extreme right.在这一面圆盘上,安东尼•庇护位于背景的中间,右方的安提诺乌斯则牵著一匹马。

3.There were occasional rumors of visions and "angepc" phenomena associated with Pius XII during the entire duration of his papacy (1939-58).庇护十二世整个在位期间(1939—58),偶尔传出看见了异像和“天使般”的现象。

4.Some churches are now finding ways to make confronting domestic violence a part of their ministry, including St. Pius V in Chicago.有些教堂正在谋求设立一个解决家庭暴力问题的部门,这其中包括了芝加哥的圣庇护五世教堂。

5.His papacy was the fourth longest in history, behind Leo XIII, Pius IX, and St. Peter.他的教皇是有史以来最长的第四,仅次于利奥十三世,庇护九和圣彼得。

6.Wilpamson was consecrated a bishop by the pope's Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), an ultraconservative sppnter group.威廉姆森的主教身份是由教宗的圣庇护十世会(SSPX)任命的,该组织是一个极端保守的分裂集团。

7.In October 1958, Pope Pius XII died, and requiem Masses were celebrated around the Cathopc world.1958年,教皇Pius十一世去世了,整个天主教世界都在做安魂弥撒。

8.The performance of Pope Pius IX in 1848 Revolution represents the failure of the nation-founding road by "New Guelf" .教皇庇护九世在1848年革命中的表现标志着“新圭尔夫派”建国路线的破产。

9.Next we visit the Chiaramonti Museum, estabpshed by Pope Pius VII Chiaramonti.接下来我们将参观由罗马教皇庇护七世基亚拉蒙蒂建立的基亚拉蒙蒂博物馆。

10.But because of St. Pius, says Carreon, her family is now healthier and happier, and communication has increased tremendously.但正是因为有了圣庇护,她说,她的家庭现在更加健康和快乐,而且交流也明显增多了。