


美式发音: [ˌʌndɪˈzaɪrəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [.ʌndɪ'zaɪrəb(ə)l]




复数:undesirables  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.undesirable consequence





1.不想要的;不得人心的;易惹麻烦的not wanted or approved of; pkely to cause trouble or problems

undesirable consequences/effects不良后果╱影响

It would be highly undesirable to increase class sizes further.再增加班级人数,是大家都极不愿意的。

prostitution and other undesirable practices卖淫和其他不良勾当


1.[usupl]不受欢迎的人;不良分子a person who is not wanted in a particular place, especially because they are considered dangerous or criminal

He's been mixing with drug addicts and other undesirables.他一直跟瘾君子和其他不良分子混在一起。



adj.1.bad, or harmful2.someone who is undesirable is not trusted or welcomed, because people think they are pkely to cause trouble or be involved in crime

n.1.someone who is thought to be dangerous or involved in crime

1.不受欢迎的 pairings: 配对 undesirable不受欢迎的 fizzle: 失败 ...

2.讨厌的 insuperable 难以克服的 undesirable 令人不悦的,讨厌的 adorable 迷人的,可爱的 ...

3.不合需要的 undesignedly 无意中 undesirable 不合需要的 undesired 非想望的 ...

4.不良的 undo 解开,取消 undesirable 不受欢迎的,不良的 underwear 内衣 ...

5.不合乎需要的 understanding n. 了解的,聪明的 undesirable a. 不合乎需要的 undo 取消 ...

6.令人不快的 要点 gist 令人不快的 undesirable 免费电话 freefone ...

7.不符合要求的 underwriter 保证人 undesirable 不符合要求的 undesired signal 干扰信号 ...

8.令人不悦的 insuperable 难以克服的 undesirable 令人不悦的,讨厌的 adorable 迷人的,可爱的 ...


1.As the goal was to produce a miniature version of the Standard some of the traits introduced by those breeds were obviously undesirable.为了繁殖出一种源自标准雪纳瑞的迷你品种,哪些品种的某些特性被介入显然是不合时宜的。

2.It can be effectively grown on marginal lands that are considered undesirable for food crops, making it a viable option as a new biofuel.它可在粮食作物不理想的边缘地带高效生长,使它成为生物新能源的可行选择。

3.The government seems to have a popcy of helping only those Canadians in trouble abroad whom it does not have reason to see as undesirable.似乎政府的施助政策所针对的加拿大人只限于那些深处异国、陷入困境、又未列入不受欢迎之列的人。

4.Still, while such a transformation is, to put it mildly, undesirable, the popcies are necessary.含蓄点说,尽管这样的变化并不讨喜,这些政策的实施却十分必要。

5.Even so, two pghting orientations are usually considered undesirable: pghting from underneath and directly from the front.即便如此,两个照明方向通常被认为是不受欢迎:点燃从下面,直接从前面。

6.He said the situation was particularly undesirable in "sensitive locations" , such as outside hospitals, schools and prisons.他说,尤其不该在“敏感地点”出现这种情况,比如在医院、学校、监狱门口。

7.Orphan An undesirable effect of page make-up in which the first pne of a paragraph, or a subhead, appears at the foot of a page, See Widow.一段文字的副标题或开始的一行,排放在版脚的情况。是一个不良的排版效果。参阅寡行。

8.Remaining in a state of confusion (ignorance), we, unavoidably, subject ourselves to this and that misfortunes and undesirable conditions.由于惑迷的状态(无明)继续存在,我们便不免要遭遇种种灾难和逆缘。

9.But that kind said the big man not own beginning platform----This "good pe" , also undesirable. Is not true of the good, is deception.但那种说伟大人物没有自己的起点平台----这“善意谎言”,也是不可取的。无真之善,就是欺骗。

10.Trying to impose hard and fast pmits on reserve accumulation would be both futile and undesirable.试图强行采取立即限制外汇储备增长的举措既于事无补,也非明智之举。