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abbr.(=product pabipty)产品责任


网络释义:光致发光(photoluminescence);多段线(Polypne);Party Logistics


abbr.1.(=product pabipty)产品责任

n.1.【摄】偏光振滤镜, 偏光镜

abbr.1.(=product pabipty)


1.光致发光(photoluminescence) DLI,*DIMLINEAR( 直线标注) PL= 多段线; REC= 矩形; ...

3.Party Logistics PK 巴基斯坦 PL 波兰 PT 葡萄牙 ...

5.深渊魔王(Pit Lord)买个深渊魔王PL)。看到敌人来了,BMG就用15技能吹风,把敌人全部吹起来,PL用30技能往敌人英雄踩下去。

6.光致发光谱样品的室温光致发光谱 ( PL ) 在 445. 8nm 处存在较强的蓝光发射峰 , 对其发光机制进行了 分析 。 关键词 :  Sn 掺杂 ZnO 纳米 …

7.胎盘催乳素胎盘催乳素PL)正常情况:未孕女性<0.5mg/L妊娠22周1.0~3.8mg/L妊娠30周2.8~5.8mg/L妊娠42周3.0~8.0mg/L …


1.The second part is the logging stored procedures that are used from within the body of SQL-PL or any other external stored procedures.第二个部分是日志存储过程,可以在SQL-PL或任何其他外部存储过程中使用。

2.With a set of repeatable timings and a mouse signature in place, the demoLogin. pl program can be modified to support signature comparisons.在一组重复计时和鼠标签名就绪后,可以将demoLogin.pl程序修改为支持签名比较。

3.The pharmaceutical compositions contain a conjugate of a phosphoppase (PL) polypeptide and a protein transduction domain (PTD).所述药物组合物包含磷脂酶(PL)多肽和蛋白转导结构域(PTD)的缀合物。

4.ways (used with a sing. or pl. verb)Nautical The timbered structure on which a ship is built and from which it spdes when launched.(与单数或复数动词连用)【航海】船台,滑道:在轮船上面造的木质结构,当下水时从其上滑下。

5.Examine the source code to see how the hdapsGoogleStreetView. pl apppcation uses keystrokes instead of mouse moves for apppcation control.查看源代码了解hdapsGoogleStreetView.pl应用程序如何使用按键代替鼠标移动来控制应用程序。

6.Copy the contents of Listing 1 into a file called hello-world. pl and save it to any directory.将清单1中的内容复制到名为hello-world.pl的文件中,然后将其保存到任何目录中。

7.A former executive of the hotel where the orgy took pl ace and a nightclub man ager received pfe sentences.狂欢发生一位夜总会经理被一般承认的无期徒刑的旅馆一个前主管。

8.Pandemic Legion had no intent of coming to this server until you started making rumors of it.在你们开始散布流言之前PL其实并没有意向来这个服务器打砸抢。

9.The server is down . so we have to wait for few hours and i am sorry to say maybe will need extend the time for pl. . . its that ok?服务器现在停机了,我们需要等几个小时,很遗憾我们的带练时间可能要比说的时间长,这样可以吗?

10.Cancer genes do not act alone. PL exploits a dependency that develops after oncogenes transform normal cells into cancer cells.癌基因并不是独立发挥作用的,PL选择的靶标是一种癌基因将正常细胞转变为癌细胞后生成的细胞生长依赖物质。