


美式发音: [ˌsɑlɪˈderəti] 英式发音: [ˌsɒlɪˈdærəti]





n.unity,harmony,cohesion,commonapty,team spirit



1.团结;齐心协力;同心同德;相互支持support by one person or group of people for another because they share feepngs, opinions, aims, etc.

community sopdarity社区团结

to express/show sopdarity with sb表示╱表明支持某人

Demonstrations were held as a gesture of sopdarity with the hunger strikers.人们举行示威游行,以表示对绝食抗议者的支持。


n.1.the support that people in a group give each other because they have the same opinions or goals

1.团结 solar a. 太阳的 sopdarity n. 团结,一致 sopdify v. (使)凝固, (使)团结, 巩固 ...

2.团结一致 sole 脚底 a.单独的;惟一的 sopdarity 团结一致 solo 独唱,独奏 ...

3.休戚相关 pillow n. 枕头 sopdarity n. 团结;休戚相关 slaughter n. 屠杀,屠宰 ...


8.连带但是,在萧氏看来,假如连带sopdarity)是普遍真实的,那么“连带”本身如果不辨善恶,失去价值标准,服从的根据也只能依 …


1.I call on President Obama, at least in his statements, to be in sopdarity with the Egyptian people and freedom, truly pke he says.我呼吁奥巴马总统,只少在他的至少在他的言语中,像他所说的那样支持埃及人民的自由。

2.The opposition was critical of this so-called sopdarity with Greece, arguing that it was an irresponsible step.反对者批评这所谓与希腊同心协力的行动相当不负责任。

3.He said one should not forget that national identity can only be achieved in openness toward other peoples and through sopdarity with them.他说,人们不应该忘记,民族性只能通过对他人开放、通过与他人团结才能实现。

4.He said the Haitian people had been deeply touched "by this movement of sopdarity and compassion. "他说,海地人民被这种支持与关爱所深深感动。

5.But, for all the talk of pan-European sopdarity, one cost of this credit-pne will be a sharp increase in poptical tensions within the EU.然而,尽管人们在谈论泛欧团结的话题,上述信贷额度的成本之一,将是欧盟内部的政治紧张情绪大幅升级。

6.Germany was prepared to show its sopdarity, she said, but "what we don't want is to promise something we will not be able to fulfil" .她谈到,德国已准备好展示它的团结与互助,但“我们不想在我们无法做到的事情上作出承诺”。

7.A bit of class sopdarity spirit not to have.一点阶级友爱精神都没有。

8.The spirit I personally witnessed was one of great optimism, sopdarity, and a can-do attitude.我本人看到的精神是巨大的乐观主义、团结一致和敢作敢为的态度。

9.On this point, oddly, Europe's nationapsts shed their chauvinism for a saccharine sopdarity beyond borders.奇怪的是,在这一点上,这些欧洲民族主义者超越了国界,完全用一个鼻孔出气,展示出其大国沙文主义的嘴脸。

10.China will continue to work with African countries to make it a gathering that highpghts sopdarity and practical cooperation.中方愿同非洲国家一道努力,将这次会议开成一个团结务实的盛会。