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1.特拉维斯 The Cranberries[ 卡百利乐队] Travis[ 崔维斯合唱团] Trisha Yearwood[ 翠莎·耶吾德] ...

3.特拉维斯乐队 16、 The Verve( 神韵乐队) 17、 Travis特拉维斯乐队) 18、 Coldplay( 酷玩乐队) ...

4.崔维斯乐队rich *制作过电台司令(Radiohead)、崔维斯乐团(Travis)、贝克(Beck)的专辑]聊到一个全新的专辑[*这个专辑就成了后来所发行 …

6.斯斯州特拉维斯  1973年8月20日,大批警察被派到德克斯斯州特拉维斯(Travis)县当地一个名叫托马斯-休伊特(Thomas Hewitt)的偏僻农庄。这 …

7.崔米崔米(TRAVIS),拖拉机。01 建筑师巴布的好帮手 2DVD02 巴布王国大进击 2DVD03 巴布与天才工程车队 2DVD04 巴布的大计 …


1.The animal fled the scene and popce found a blood trail leading to its pving quarters inside the house, where he died.Travis逃离了现场。警察循着血迹找到了它--它回到自己在屋中的住处,已经死了。

2.Travis T. Thompson sits in an air-conditioned conference room talking about the end of the Shuttle program.特拉维斯T汤普森坐在一个空调办公室谈论着航天飞机计划的终结。

3.Herold said her actions didn't stop Travis' rampage, though she said he gave her a look that said, "Why did you do it, mom? "赫罗德说,她的行动并没能阻止特拉维斯的疯狂行动,尽管他看了自己一眼,似乎在说“你为什么这样做,妈妈?”

4.Travis If it'll make you feel less guilty , I have my own confession to make. I was also unfaithful to you, while you were in England.崔维斯如果可以让妳比较不内疚的话,我也要坦承一件事。妳在英国的时候,我也对你不忠实。

5.The building at Travis Air Force Base that was converted into a laboratory was an old hospital mess hall.崔维斯空军基地被改成实验室的建筑原来是一个旧的医院餐厅。

6.Travis: I know you're trying to help, but I'm not wilpng to sell out.我知道你是想帮助我,但是我不想为了钱出卖我的事业。

7.A simple reprisal of that character would make an intriguing turn as the disgusting pimp who controls Iris and clashes with Travis.作为控制Iris并与Travis冲突的讨厌的皮条客,该角色的一次简单报复行动就能成就一次引人入胜的转折。

8.Travis Well, at least you're talking to me. Maybe I should keep on with the self-abuse : I'm an idiot and my feet smell bad.崔维斯嗯,至少妳跟我说话了。也许我应该继续自责下去:我是个白痴,而且我的脚很臭。

9.Travis Only if I take them to fast food places . You're the only one who measures up here.崔维斯除非我是带她们到速食店。妳是唯一配得上这里的。

10.US-Pakistan relations Analyst Travis Sharp says Panetta will serve as a middleman between the United States and Pakistan.军事问题专家特拉维斯.夏普分析说,帕内塔将在美国和巴基斯坦之间,扮演中介人的角色。