




1.外国朋友 朋友 friends 有,外国朋友 yes,foreign friends 有,海归人士 yes,returned students ...

2.外国的朋友 ... Foreign friends. 外国的朋友。 She’s pretty. Thank you Daming. 她很漂亮。谢谢你大 …

3.交外国朋友 家人 Family 外国朋友们 Foreign friends 我 Myself ...

6.外籍友人 ... 国际志工 Jeff 外籍友人 Foreign Friends 国际志工 Overseas Volunteer ...

7.西国朋友 ... 5、 务要 see to it that 6、 西国朋友 foreign friends 7、 陈设 furnishings ...


1.The foreign friends talk, began to ask price, and I quote 300 yuan (empty barrels).外国朋友说话了,开始询问价格,我报300元人民币(空桶)。

2.You only have to make a few foreign friends to understand how absurd and harmful national stereotypes are.你只有交一些外国朋友发现民族陈规是多么荒谬的和有害的。

3.After the parade, he and his wife, a native Beijinger, plan to continue celebrating at a dinner party with Chinese and foreign friends.阅兵式结束后,他和他的妻子,原生北京人,计划在晚宴继续与中外朋友庆祝。

4.The foreign friends asked how many money, barrels of wine whisky how much money?外国朋友又问了威士忌酒液多少钱,桶多少钱?

5.I have tried one school, students will take the initiative and foreign friends to say a few words, and feel the heart Mei Zizi.我校曾经试过一次,很多学生都主动与外国朋友去说几句话,而且都觉得心里美滋滋的。

6.For the moment, Hamas rejects the idea as a trick for Mr Abbas and his foreign friends to undermine the elected government.在这个时刻,作为对阿巴斯的一个手段,哈马斯拒绝全民公决,阿巴斯的外国朋友将削弱这个民选政府。

7.But for those things to happen, the Tapban must see that the Afghan government and its foreign friends are winning, not losing.但是,要让这一切发生,必须让塔利班看到,阿富汗政府和她的外国盟友正在赢得胜利,而不是失败。

8.Remember to tell this interesting story the next time you eat with foreign friends and show off your knowledge.下次与外国朋友吃饭时不要忘记把这个有趣的故事告诉他们,卖弄一下你的知识。

9.Tianjin Sidesesi Equipment Co. , Ltd, Tianjin Sidesesi staff is ready to exchange and contact with foreign friends.天津思德赛斯仪器设备有限公司全体员工愿同各国朋友交流与往来。

10.Hello, Singapore, drunken middle school students, the queen of the two schools through our relations, make me to know a new foreign friends.你好,新加坡女皇镇中学的同学,通过我们两校的建交,使我认识了一个新的外国朋友。