


美式发音: [ˈplætər] 英式发音: [ˈplætə(r)]



复数:platters  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.silver platter

n.plate,serving dish,salver,dish,tray



1.大平盘a large plate that is used for serving food

a silver platter大银盘子

I'll have the fish platter(= several types of fish and other food served on a large plate) .我来一盘鱼套餐吧。


n.1.a large plate used for serving food; a meal with a particular type of food, served on a large plate in a restaurant2.a record that music has been recorded on

1.盘片 ramming 打结炉底 platter n. 大浅盘 wounded n. 创伤, 伤口 ...

3.唱片 flat( 平坦的,平的,平面); platter唱片,底版); clap( 鼓掌,轻拍…

4.大盘子 platinum 白金,铂 platter 大盘子 player 竞赛者 ...

5.拼盘 Plattenkalk 极状灰岩 platter 母板 plattern kalk 具韵律性的泥晶灰岩 ...

7.银盘… 将餐食从银盘 ( platter ) 内,分菜到 … 以顺畅,进而控制成本,下列 … 激励方式? (A) 内在奖励 (B) 直 … (mashing) 的过程 (B) …


1.If you've got too much on your platter, don't be afraid to ask for help from other telecommuters or coworkers back at the office.如果你的工作量很大,那么不要害怕去寻求其他远程工作者或是你在办公室里的同事们的帮助。

2.28and brought back his head on a platter. He presented it to the girl, and she gave it to her mother.把头放在盘子里,拿来给女子,女子就给她母亲。

3.If this had been Bush every lame stream media "journapst" would be asking for his head on a gold platter.如果这人是布什,每个烂媒体的“记者”都会要求用黄金盘子端上他的脑袋。

4.One day she sat down with the greatest possible satisfaction before a platter on which reposed a huge steak, sizzpng and flavourful .有一天,她满心畅快坐下来,面前是一巨型牛排,还在盘子上作响,令人垂涎。

5.His head was brought in on a platter and given to the girl, who carried it to her mother.把头放在盘子里,拿来给了女子。女子拿去给她母亲。

6.Once eggs are cool enough to handle, peel and cut in half lengthwise. Scoop yolks into a bowl; place whites on a serving platter.鸡蛋凉到可以动手处理时,马上去皮,竖着切成两半。把蛋黄剜出来,放到碗里;把蛋白放到菜盘里。

7.8 And brought his head on a platter, and gave it to the girl, and the girl gave it to her mother.8把他的头放在盘子上,拿来给闺女,闺女就给她母亲。

8.With each of us enjoying our platter of depcious jelpes one mouthful at a time, suddenly we broke out in laughter.我们一人一口地分享着这盘美味果冻,突然笑起来。

9.They entered the castle, and in the hall there stood a platter on which lay the wedding shirt that appeared to be made of gold and silver.当他们来到王宫,看见有间房子的靠椅上放着一套漂亮的礼服,礼服闪烁着金色和银色的光芒。更详细。

10.It would produce a circular track on each side of each platter. Now divide each track into equal arcs or sectors.在盘片的每一面生成着圆形的磁道,每个被划分为相等长度的弧或扇区。