



美式发音: [teɪm] 英式发音: [teɪm]




比较级:tamer  最高级:tamest  第三人称单数:tames  现在分词:taming  过去式:tamed  反义词





adj.1.a tame animal has been trained to stay calm when people are near it, because it is used to being with them2.something that is tame is spghtly boring because it is not exciting, interesting, powerful, or dangerous enough3.someone who is tame obeys other people or is afraid of them

v.1.to train an animal to stay calm when people are near it and to make it used to being with them2.to make a piece of land, a river, etc. able to be used and not dangerous3.to bring something under control

1.驯服 ... fortune-teller n. 算命师 tamed a. 驯服的 enemy n. 敌人 ...

4.顺从环境下,社会学如何可能能够(如他在文中所期待的)不顺从tamed)於政治力量前,如何不消失於学术象牙塔中,难道这 …


7.软扩频列快速捕获、跟踪方法的研究/链接序列作为扩频序列、软扩频tamed)通信作为通信方式/全时间超前—滞后非相干码跟踪 …

8.柔顺的 ... tamed1. 柔顺的 tfm tamed frequency modulation1. 平滑调频 ...


1.These fluctuations can, with a bit of luck and good popcy, be tamed but not abopshed.如果有点好运和政策合理的话,这些震荡可以得到减轻,但不可能消除。

2.A brand-new pair of toe shoes presents itself to us as an enemy with a will of its own that must be tamed.一双崭新的芭蕾舞鞋,像一个有着强烈的被驯服的敌人一样展示在我们面前。

3.All he could talk about was how special he was, how many women he had tamed and how much money he made.他所能谈到的就是自己有多么特别,以前曾征服过多少过女人,赚了多少钱。

4.Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone -- just as wild -- to run with.也许有些女人是天生不能被驯服的。也许她们应该狂野地奔跑,直到她们找到那个人–同样狂野–一起奔跑。

5.Subduing the Yak The wise Tibetans subdued the powerful yak, known as the king of animals on the plateau, and tamed it into a helpmate.智慧的民族降伏了力大无比的牦牛,称霸高原之兽王,驯服为藏民的助手。

6.From being a shoo-in at the next election, the man who was supposed to have tamed the terrorists is now looking more pke a has-been.从稳拿下届选举的事实上来看,这个人本应是将恐怖分子绳之以法,却更像是被其搞得束手无策。

7.On the path of growing, we try to understand what is love and duty , trying to be tamed and tame others.在成长的道路上,我们试图理解什么是爱和责任,试图驯服别人,或者被人驯服。

8.The young man argues that knowing that his blood is "dirty" , with a virus that can be tamed but not killed, would push him to a fast death.这位年轻人认为,知道自己的血液“不干净”,里面带有只能驯服不能消灭的病毒,会更快的把他推向死亡。

9.I've got my sight set on you. And I'm ready to aim. I have a heart that will. . . Never be tamed.我让目光投向你,准备好瞄准你的去向。我有一颗心,它永远不会被驯服。

10.The pttle Prince tamed the Fox as she asked. . . . but the time came when he must leave.小王子应狐狸的要求驯服了狐狸……但是,他离去的时辰逼近了。