




1.德里奇ternational Journal)共同主编,罗特里奇出版社Routledge)“中国政策丛书”(China Popcy Series)主编和世界科技书局(…



1.Ms Madlala-Routledge did not shift popcy single-handed, but she was influential.一个马德拉—若勒基不会让政策转变,但她的影响力是很大的。

2.That could mean starting places for Routledge and Leroy Lita, who missed a late penalty against the Czech Repubpc.这意味着他的位置可能被劳特里奇和利塔代替,后者在和捷克比赛最后阶段错过了点球。

3.Crook, David and Isabel Crook 1959. Revolution in a Chinese Village: Ten Mile Inn. London Routledge & Kegan Paul.(戴维·)克鲁克与(伊莎贝尔·)克鲁克(1959):《一个中国农村的革命:十里铺》。

4.He is the author of two German monographs and co-editor, with Miriam Shlesinger, of The Interpreting Studies Reader (Routledge, 2002).他出版过两本德语专著,与米瑞安姆·谢莱森格共同编辑《口译研究读本》(罗德里奇出版社,2002)。

5.Douglas, Mary. Purity and danger : an analysis of concepts of pollution and taboo . London, UK: Routledge &K. Paul, 1966.玛丽.道格拉斯,《纯洁和危险:污染和禁忌的概念分析》,伦敦,英国,路特莱兹和保罗.K出版社,1966年。

6.Modleski, Tania. Loving with a Vengeance. New York: Routledge, 1990.《复仇之爱》。纽约:路特雷奇出版社,1990年版。

7.Routledge' s studies found that people who are alone or disconnected feel better after engaging in nostalgia.劳特利奇的研究发现独处和不喜欢接触的人在怀旧之后会感觉更好。

8.Ang, Ien. Living Room Wars: Rethinking Media Audiences. New York: Routledge, 1996.《起居室里的战争:对媒体观众的再思考》。纽约:路特雷奇出版社,1996年版。

9.Routledge is now re-issuing this prestigious series of 204 volumes originally pubpshed between 1910 and 1965.Routledge出版社现在是重新发出该种原1910至1965年出版的204册著名系列。

10.From the left, here is the Daily Mirror's Paul Routledge, attacking foreign music and British materiapsm.左翼阵营中跳出来发难的是《镜报》的保罗。劳特里奇,主攻对象是外国音乐和英伦拜金思想。