



1.Yes, plese do not put our money and my boy friend.是的,请不要动我们的钱,还有我男朋友。

2.Plese don, t care how poorly or how well you speak . Only care about catching the chances to speak .请不要在乎多么的合适或是讲话要多么恰当,你只需要在于抓住任何时机去讲。

3.Plese accept our wishes for you nd yours for happy New Yer.请接受咱们对于你及你全家的夸姣祝福,祝你们新年欢愉。

4.Pull over. Plese show me your motor vehicle driving pcense and registration paper.请靠边停车并出示您的驾驶证、行驶证。

5.Plese contact the apppcation's support team for more information.普莱舍联系以获取更多信息,应用程序的支持小组。

6.Plese pass the book whose cover is green to me!1请递给我那本封面是绿色的书!

7.Plese describe in detail if you find any disese, including chronic ones, or physical handicaps.如果发现有任何疾病,请加以描述,包括慢性疾病和身体行动上的障碍

8.Plese give your overall evaluation according to your stay here.请你就本次居住做个整体的评价

9.babies, plese don't cry, there's no darkness in heaven.宝贝们,别哭,天堂里不会有黑暗;

10.Plese show me the valuable article you brought in.请给我看一下您的入境时带进来的贵重物品