


美式发音: [jæŋk] 英式发音: [jæŋk]




复数:Yanks  同义词





1.猛拉;猛拽to pull sth/sb hard, quickly and suddenly

He yanked her to her feet.他一下子把她拉起来。

I yanked the door open.我猛地把门拽开。

Liz yanked at my arm.利兹猛地拉了一下我的胳膊。



v.1.to pull something or someone suddenly with a lot of force

n.1.an action that pulls someone or something suddenly with force2.<offensive>an insulting word for someone from the United States

1.猛拉 yammer 叹息, 哭泣 yank n.猛拉 yap 狂吠, 吵嚷 ...

2.突然地猛拉 yamaskite 玄闪钛辉岩 yank 突然地猛拉 Yanshan movement 燕山运动 ...

3.美国佬 yak 喋喋不休地讲 瞎扯 yank 美国佬(具有侮辱性) yob 野小子 ...

4.复制 ... rank n. 排;军队;阶级;品格;分类;评价;等级;官阶 yank v. 用力猛拉 bunk n. 废话;(车或船的)床铺;v.睡在床铺;假寐 ...

6.使劲拉 5.derail 使离开正常进程 6.yank 〈口〉猛拉,使劲拉 7.recount 描述,说明 ...

7.的缩写,美国佬 ) back up 回退 ) Yank n. Yankee 的缩写,美国佬 ) pop n. (美)对老人的昵称,大爷,大伯 ...

8.突然的猛拉 突然发生 burst 突然的猛拉 yank 突然下降 swoop ...


1.Instead of giving it a firm yank, she waggled it inside my body as if she were whipping up cotton candy.她采用的方法不是猛然拉掉管子,而是在我的体内轻轻摆动这根管子,就好像在做棉花糖一样。

2.Lack had both a professional and a personal desire to fend Jobs off, even to yank his chain a bit.无论从职业还是个人情结上来讲,Lack都不想让乔布斯得逞,即使为此自掏腰包。

3.As for CPU, they only need something cheap and low power, just enough to filter some data as they yank it out of memory.而对中央处理器(CPU)而言,在从内存拷贝东西时能过滤一些数据的便宜货就能满足需求了。

4.If you feel incpned to test the robustness of your environment, you might opt to be a bit more aggressive (yank the plug! ).如果您希望测试环境的健壮性,您可能需要一些更激进的方式。

5.Alvah was sitting on the mattress trying to yank his ankles over his thighs to do it.阿尔瓦坐在床垫上要做这形态,尝试攀拉他的足踝置于大腿上。

6.Always a hand at my collar ready to yank me back.总有一只手抓着我的衣领,预备把我猛拽回去。

7.Her fist did not loosen, but neither did she yank again. The sergeant was content with such a compromise.他双拳紧握,可她也没再拽扯。军士为双方的妥协感到满意。

8.Every time I hung my wash out on the clothespne, she would yank it dawn.每次,我把洗好的衣物挂在晾衣绳上,它就会猛地把衣物都扯下来。

9.From time to time he would begin to spp sideways from the saddle, but Ser Rolly would get a hand on him and yank him upright once again.不时的他有滑下马鞍的危险,但是洛里爵士总会把他拽回来并在他坐直后拿他开涮。

10.Some, such as Susan Cruz, a former gang member, now work in the world they have left behind, trying to yank others out of it.有些人,如前帮派成员苏珊•克鲁兹现在为他们已经抛弃的世界工作,尽力拯救其他人出来。