




1.温暖 ... 弱的,衰弱的 ②懦弱的[同] irresolute ③ 暖和,温暖[同] warmness ② 抓住,逮捕[同] grasp ② ...

2.亲切 Vogue 时尚 Warmness 亲切 Youth 青春 ...

3.沃姆尼斯 ... 华奴宝力 HUA NV BW LI 沃姆尼斯 WARMNESS 狗狗阵; GOGOZOO ...


1.When listening to this song, you may feel nothing but warmness, tranquility, musical flow of a brook and a moment of purity in your heart.听这首歌的时候,你只感到温暧,宁静,小溪淙淙的流过,还有心灵片刻的纯净。

2.But there was no howling wind, I didn't also sense cold; what greeting to me was spring's warmness, sweet-smelling flowers and plants.可是,我听不到风声,也没有寒冷的感觉;扑面而来的,却是春天的温暖和花草的芬芳。

3.We were so grateful to their warmness that we forgot to ask about the returning way when we came out of the school.当我们充满感激地出了校门,才发现本来应该向他们咨询一下我们回去的路该如何走的。

4.'Mid-Autumn' Festival arrives again. A feeling of warmness began to touch my heart slowly and gently, which is so soft and sweet.中秋又至,突然一种温暖的感觉慢慢袭上心头,是那么的酥,那么的甜。

5.Frankincense with strong scent used to sent forth limitless happiness, auspiciousness, and warmness in sacred religious rites. . .曾经,浓浓的乳香在神圣的宗教仪式中飘出无限祥和温馨……

6.I almost forgot to say, Yue, this Christmas tree which brought us happiness, warmness and beauty is a great gift from your dad!对了,小猪,这棵带来快乐、温暖和美的圣诞树可是爸爸送给我们的礼物噢!

7.The party is more than a performance, it also means warmness, love and a real home.这个聚会不仅仅是一场演出,它也意味着,温暖,爱和真正的家

8.At the end of the life, it was replaced by another form of reborning and handed the warmness on to prolong the lives.在生命的尽头被另外一种形式取代,让温暖继续传递,让生命得以延续。

9.In my mind , rain was always so cold and moody , messed up with depression , but this rain brought warmness to me.从前的记忆中雨总是冷冷的阴暗的湿漉漉的,手忙脚乱之中带着失望,可是今年的雨,却让我感受到了温暖。呵呵。

10.Transfer the warmness of mine from you to another in order to get a clear dream far away from mistakes.把一个人的温暖转移到另一个的胸膛让上次犯的错反省出梦想。