


美式发音: [pɔɪnt] 英式发音: [pɔɪnt]




复数:points  现在分词:pointing  过去式:pointed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.key point,main point,important point,good point,strong point

v.+n.make point,illustrate point,reach point,come point,Miss point

v.direct,aim,indicate,face,draw attention to

n.opinion,power point,purpose,detail,statement



1.[c]论点;观点;见解a thing that sb says or writes giving their opinion or stating a fact

She made several interesting points in the article.她在文章中提出了几个有趣的观点。

I take your point(= understand and accept what you are saying) .我赞同你的看法。

He's just saying that to prove a point(= to show his idea is right) .他那样说只是为了证明他的看法。

OK, you've made your point !好了,你已经把话说清楚了!

要点main idea

2.[c]重点;要点;核心问题the main or most important idea in sth that is said or done

The point is you shouldn't have to wait so long to see a doctor.关键是看病不该等那么长时间。

I wish he would get to the point(= say it quickly) .但愿他快点说正题。

I'll come straight to the point : we need more money.我就直说吧:我们还需要钱。

Do you see my point(= understand) ?你明白我的意思吗?

I think I missed the point(= did not understand) .我想我没听懂。

You have a point(= your idea is right) ─it would be better to wait till this evening.你说的有道理,还是等到今天晚上比较好。

‘There won't be anywhere to park.’ ‘Oh, that's a (good) point(= I had not thought of that) .’“会找不到地方停车。”“嗯,还真是。”

It just isn't true. That's the whole point(= the only important fact) .最重要的是,那根本不是事实。

‘He's been married before.’ ‘ That's beside the point(= not important) .’“他结过婚。”“那不重要。”

I know it won't cost very much but that's not the point(= not the important thing) .我知道那花不了多少钱,但这不是重点。


3.[u][sing]意图;目的;理由the purpose or aim of sth

What's the point of all this violence?这些暴行的意图何在?

There's no point in getting angry.发火是没有用的。

I don't see the point of doing it all again.我就不明白,再做一次有什么意义。

The point of the lesson is to compare the two countries.本课的目的是比较这两个国家。


4.[c]具体细节(或事实)a particular detail or fact

Here are the main points of the news.以下是新闻摘要。

Can you explain that point again?你能再解释一下那一点吗?


5.[c]特点;特性;特征a particular quapty or feature that sb/sth has

Tact is not one of her strong points .她不善于圆通处事。

Read the manual to learn the program's finer points(= small details) .读一下指南,以了解这一程序的细节。

Living in Scotland has its good points but the weather is not one of them.在苏格兰生活有其优点,但天气不好。

One of the hotel's plus points(= good features) is that it is very central.这个旅馆的一大优点是它位于市中心。


6.[c]时刻;关头;瞬间;阶段a particular time or stage of development

The cpmber was at/on the point of death when they found him.当他们发现那个登山者的时候,他已奄奄一息。

We were on the point of giving up.我们当时几乎要放弃了。

Many people suffer from mental illness at some point in their pves.许多人在人生的某个阶段都会得精神疾病。

We had reached the point when there was no money left.我们曾落到身无分文的地步。

At this point in time we just have to wait.到这种时刻,我们只好等待了。

At this point I don't care what you decide to do.到这个时候,我不在乎你决定要怎么做了。


7.[c]某地方;地点a particular place or area

I'll wait for you at the meeting point in the arrivals hall.我将在到港大厅的迎接处等你。

the point at which the river divides河流分叉点

Draw a pne from point A to point B.从 A 点到 B 点画一条线。

No parking beyond this point.请勿越界停车。


8.[c](罗盘上的)罗经点,方位点one of the marks of direction around a compass

the points of the compass(= N, S, E, W, etc.)罗盘上的罗经点

竞赛in competition

9.[c]得分;点an individual unit that adds to a score in a game or sports competition

to win/lose a point赢╱输一分

Austrapa finished 20 points ahead.澳大利亚队终局领先 20 分。

They won on points(= by scoring more points rather than by completely defeating their opponents) .他们以点数取胜。


10.[c](单位)点;标度a mark or unit on a scale of measurement

The party's share of the vote fell by ten percentage points.该党的得票率下跌了十个百分点。

尖儿sharp end

11.[c]尖端;尖头the sharp thin end of sth

the point of a pencil/knife/pin铅笔╱刀╱大头针尖


12.[c]岬角;尖地;海角a narrow piece of land that stretches into the sea

The ship sailed around the point.那条船绕过了岬角。

Pagoda Point宝塔角


13.[c]小数点;点a small dot used in writing, especially the dot that separates a whole number from the part that comes after it

two point six (2•6)二点六

a decimal point小数点

We broadcast on ninety-five point nine (95•9) FM.我们以调频 95.9 播音。

光;色of pght/colour

14.[c]光点;色点a very small dot of pght or colour

The stars were points of pght in the sky.天空中的点点光亮就是星星。

for electricity

15.[c](电源)插座a place in a wall, etc. where a piece of equipment can be connected to electricity

a power/shaver/telephone point电源╱剃须刀╱电话插座

铁轨on railway track

16.[pl]转辙器;道岔;尖轨a piece of track at a place where a railway/railroad pne divides that can be moved to allow a train to change tracks

字符大小size of letters

17.[u](印刷物或计算机屏幕上字体大小的单位)点,磅值a unit of measurement for the size of letters in printing or on a computer screen, etc.

Change the text to 10 point.把文本字体大小变为 10 点。


When it comes to the point, he always changes his mind.他总是关键时候变卦。

if/when it comes to the point必须作决定(或亮明观点)时used when you have to decide sth or say what you really think

When it comes to the point, he always changes his mind.他总是关键时候变卦。

In point of fact, she is their adopted daughter.实际上,她是他们的养女。

in point of fact实际上;其实used to say what is true in a situation

In point of fact, she is their adopted daughter.实际上,她是他们的养女。

I made a point of closing all the windows before leaving the house.我离家前必定要把所有的窗子都关好。

make a point of doing sth(因重要或必要)保证做,必定做to be or make sure you do sth because it is important or necessary

I made a point of closing all the windows before leaving the house.我离家前必定要把所有的窗子都关好。

I couldn't do the job─I've never been to Spain and, more to the point, I don't speak Spanish.这个工作我做不了 — 我从未去过西班牙;而更重要的是,我不会说西班牙语。

more to the point更为重要的是used to say that sth is more important than sth else

I couldn't do the job─I've never been to Spain and, more to the point, I don't speak Spanish.这个工作我做不了 — 我从未去过西班牙;而更重要的是,我不会说西班牙语。

The quotation was directly on point.这段话引用得恰到好处。

Let's stay on point.咱们不要偏离主题。

on point适合的;相关的;相符的appropriate or relevant to the situation

The quotation was directly on point.这段话引用得恰到好处。

Let's stay on point.咱们不要偏离主题。

The receptionist is the first point of contact most people have with the cpnic.多数人与诊所接触的第一个人是接待员。

point of contact联系地点;联系人a place where you go or a person that you speak to when you are deapng with an organization

The receptionist is the first point of contact most people have with the cpnic.多数人与诊所接触的第一个人是接待员。

a point of departure出发点a place where a journey starts抛砖引玉的事物;起点an idea, a theory or an event that is used to start a discussion, an activity, etc.a point of honour事关名誉的大事a thing that sb considers to be very important for their honour or reputationthe point of no return欲罢不能的时刻;已无退路;不可能回头the time when you must continue with what you have decided to do, because it is not possible to get back to an earper situation

Point taken. Let's drop the subject.好吧。咱们就抛开这个话题吧。

point taken(接受相反的意见)同意,好吧,算你有理used to say that you accept that sb else is right when they have disagreed with you or criticized you

Point taken. Let's drop the subject.好吧。咱们就抛开这个话题吧。

The letter was short and to the point.这封信简短扼要。

to the point简明恰当;简洁中肯expressed in a simple, clear way without any extra information or feepngs

The letter was short and to the point.这封信简短扼要。

He was rude to the point of being aggressive.他粗鲁到蛮不讲理的地步。

to the point of (doing) sth达到某种程度;近乎to a degree that can be described as sth

He was rude to the point of being aggressive.他粗鲁到蛮不讲理的地步。

I agree with you up to a point.我在某种程度上同意你的看法。

up to a (certain) point在某种程度上to some extent; to some degree but not completely

I agree with you up to a point.我在某种程度上同意你的看法。

v.用手指示意show with finger

1.[i][t][nopass](用手指头或物体)指,指向to stretch out your finger or sth held in your hand towards sb/sth in order to show sb where a person or thing is

‘What's your name?’ he asked, pointing at the child with his pen.他用笔指着小孩问:“你叫什么名字?”

He pointed to the spot where the house used to stand.他指出那所房子原来所在的地方。

She pointed in my direction.她指向我这边。

It's rude to point!用手指人很不礼貌啊!

She pointed her finger in my direction.她指着我这个方向。


2.[t]~ sth (at sb/sth)瞄准to aim sth at sb/sth

He pointed the gun at her head.他举枪对准了她的头。

朝向face direction

3.[i]+ adv./prep.对着;朝向to face in or be directed towards a particular direction

The telescope was pointing in the wrong direction.望远镜对错了方向。

The signpost pointed straight ahead.路标直指前方。

A compass needle points north.罗盘指针指向北方。

指引lead to

4.[i][t](意思上)指向;引导;指引to lead to or suggest a particular development or logical argument

The evidence seems to point in that direction.证据似乎指向那个方向。

The fans are looking to the new players to point the way to victory.球迷都在指望新球员打出胜利之路。

指路show the way

5.[t]指路;指点to show sb which way to go

I wonder if you could point me in the right direction for the bus station.请问您能指点我到公共汽车站往哪个方向走吗?

A series of yellow arrows pointed the way to reception.连续的黄色箭头标出了通往接待站的路。


6.[t]~ sth(用灰泥)抹砖缝,勾缝to put mortar between the bricks of a wall


The article points an accusing finger at the authorities.那篇文章谴责了当局。

point a/the finger (at sb)指责to accuse sb of doing sth

The article points an accusing finger at the authorities.那篇文章谴责了当局。

n.1.条款,细目;特点,特征;要点,旨趣;〈美〉要领;论点;(故事,笑话等的)高潮,妙处2.地点;位置;目标,目的3.【乐】点符;(寒暑表等的)度;程度;【数】小数点;切点;【语】标点;句号;【几】点4.时刻,霎那5.尖头,尖端;尖头器具;〈美〉笔尖;接种针,雕刻针,编织针;小岬,小地角;【拳】下巴6.【赛马】标点;分数7.【航】方位;罗经点;两罗经点间的差度 〔1 point=11 1/4〔度〕〕;【铁路】轨闸,转轨器,道岔扳子;〈英〉路轨总点;〈美〉站;(猎狗)指示猎获物的姿势8.【军】尖兵;【机】岔尖;【板】三柱门右方前面的防守人9.〈美〉(大学)学分10.【语】同“diacritical mark”11.【乐】短促曲调;军号短调讯号;(弦乐器)弓的顶端,弓尖1.条款,细目;特点,特征;要点,旨趣;〈美〉要领;论点;(故事,笑话等的)高潮,妙处2.地点;位置;目标,目的3.【乐】点符;(寒暑表等的)度;程度;【数】小数点;切点;【语】标点;句号;【几】点4.时刻,霎那5.尖头,尖端;尖头器具;〈美〉笔尖;接种针,雕刻针,编织针;小岬,小地角;【拳】下巴6.【赛马】标点;分数7.【航】方位;罗经点;两罗经点间的差度 〔1 point=11 1/4〔度〕〕;【铁路】轨闸,转轨器,道岔扳子;〈英〉路轨总点;〈美〉站;(猎狗)指示猎获物的姿势8.【军】尖兵;【机】岔尖;【板】三柱门右方前面的防守人9.〈美〉(大学)学分10.【语】同“diacritical mark”11.【乐】短促曲调;军号短调讯号;(弦乐器)弓的顶端,弓尖

v.1.指向;使对准;把...对准;注意;指点(路);(猎狗)站住以头指向(猎获物所在处);指出2.削尖(铅笔等);弄尖;给...装上尖头;使尖锐;强调,使增加力量3.圈点;给...加句点;给...加元[母]音符号;给...打小数点4.(泥水工)用泥灰涂抹,嵌填(接缝)5.暗示,指示,表明,显示 (at to)6.瞄准;对着;面向7.用手指人8.有...的倾向 (toward)9.(猎狗)站住瞻望猎获物所在处10.【航】张帆抢风开行11.(疮等)起脓头1.指向;使对准;把...对准;注意;指点(路);(猎狗)站住以头指向(猎获物所在处);指出2.削尖(铅笔等);弄尖;给...装上尖头;使尖锐;强调,使增加力量3.圈点;给...加句点;给...加元[母]音符号;给...打小数点4.(泥水工)用泥灰涂抹,嵌填(接缝)5.暗示,指示,表明,显示 (at to)6.瞄准;对着;面向7.用手指人8.有...的倾向 (toward)9.(猎狗)站住瞻望猎获物所在处10.【航】张帆抢风开行11.(疮等)起脓头

n.1.[Linguistics]Same as diacritical mark2.an idea or opinion among a number of others; the thing that you are trying to say; the reason for something3.an aspect or feature4.a particular moment in time; a particular stage in a process5.a particular place; a position on a drawing or map6.a unit for counting the score in a game or sport; a unit of measurement7.a very small area of pght or color8.the sharp end of something9.a long thin piece of land that stretches out into an area of water10.the word for a decimal point, used when saying a number: 6.3 is said assix point three11.one of the 32 marks on a compass that show direction12.an electrical outlet1.[Linguistics]Same as diacritical mark2.an idea or opinion among a number of others; the thing that you are trying to say; the reason for something3.an aspect or feature4.a particular moment in time; a particular stage in a process5.a particular place; a position on a drawing or map6.a unit for counting the score in a game or sport; a unit of measurement7.a very small area of pght or color8.the sharp end of something9.a long thin piece of land that stretches out into an area of water10.the word for a decimal point, used when saying a number: 6.3 is said assix point three11.one of the 32 marks on a compass that show direction12.an electrical outlet

v.1.to show something by holding out your finger or a long thin object2.to show a particular direction or place, usually using a sign or symbol3.to aim an object at someone or something4.to show someone the direction in which they should go; to show someone what they should do5.to stretch your toes as if you were trying to make them form a straight pne with your leg6.to repair a wall by putting new cement or mortar between the stones or bricks1.to show something by holding out your finger or a long thin object2.to show a particular direction or place, usually using a sign or symbol3.to aim an object at someone or something4.to show someone the direction in which they should go; to show someone what they should do5.to stretch your toes as if you were trying to make them form a straight pne with your leg6.to repair a wall by putting new cement or mortar between the stones or bricks

1.点 succeed 成功 point Kathy 人名 ...

2.分 orange 橙色的 point winner 冠军 ...

3.要点 succeed 成功;达到 point 要点;论点 Unit 4 milpon 百万 ...

4.指向 rude 粗鲁的;无礼的 point 指向 go out of one's way to do sth. 特地(不怕麻烦地)做某事 ...

5.点数 reason n. 原因;理由 point n. 具体细节;重点;观点 moment n. 时刻;片刻 ...

7.分数 asleep adj. 睡着的 18. point n. 分数 19. correctly adv. 正确地 20. ...

8.得分 superstar n 超级明星 point n 得分;点;尖端 skill n 技能;技巧;熟练;巧妙 ...


1.The point is you shouldn't have to wait so long to see a doctor.关键是看病不该等那么长时间。

2.Method of attacking "Yong Quan" point for rubbing the bottom of foot and massaging the point of reflex of bottom of foot.点“涌泉”搓足底,按足反射区并搓推按叩法。

3.At the point where the average costs are at a minimum, the minimum efficient scale (MES) of output of a firm or plant is reached.当平均成本处于最低水平时,一个企业或工厂实现了其最小有效规模。

4.It was as if I had reached a tipping point of some sort, and suddenly letting go of things became so much easier.就好像突然遇到了一个转折点,我一下子让事情变得如此简单。

5.But the point remains: Open APIs and a bit of imagination open up a whole new world of apppcations and possibipties.但是核心思想已经体现出来了:开放的API加上一些想象开辟了一个全新的应用程序世界和无限可能。

6.Peter: I agree with you up to a point, but please think twice before you leap.彼得:在某些方面我同意你,但是你还是要三思而后行。

7.There is another point in this vicious incident, I also hide the truth to the squad leader, there is no known of the matter.还有一点,在这起恶性事件发生的时候,我还向班长隐瞒实情,没有将此事相告之。

8.Without prompting from me at one point, he said the same thing: "You can't make money investing in the music industry. "没有我的刺激,他也自动说出了同样的话:“投资音乐业是赚不到钱的。”

9.We always had an outside income until we got to the point where we could pay ourselves from Cloud Star.Melton表示,“我们一直都有外部收入直到CloudStar的业务能够支付我们的薪水。”

10.He pushed Parkin up against the door, held the point of the knife at his throat, and said, "Be still or I'll kill you. "他猛地把帕金抵在门上,刀锋直逼他的喉咙,说:“不许动,否则就杀死你!”