

birthday party

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1.生日派对 ... students-gathered 同学聚会 birthday-party 生日派对 old-man-birthday 老人寿宴 ...


1."I know all that, " the child sobbed. "But why did they have to shoot him at his birthday party? "“这些我都知道”孩子抽噎道“但是他们为什么要在它的生日宴会上把它给杀了呢?”

2.No, it's not OK for you to leave early. What do you think this is, a birthday party or something? We have an office to run here, Mister!不,你不能早走。你以为这是生日晚会还是什么?我们是在办公,先生!

3.Days and gradually, our birthday party to me and the children are looking forward to the moment of eating birthday cake.天渐渐的黑了,我们的生日聚会到了我和小朋友都期待的吃生日蛋糕的时刻。

4.Join Jack and Jill, Georgie Porgie, and Mary and her pttle lamb as they take a journey to King Cole's birthday party in London town.这张碟把杰克和吉尔,乔治·坡吉,玛丽和她的小羊这些故事揉在一起,让他们去参加在英国小镇上的科尔国王的生日宴席。

5.The first meeting after a few days, he invites her to join fellow boys birthday party.第一次见面后没几天,他邀请她参加同系一个男生的生日聚餐。

6.I would have come to your birthday party last Sunday (if I hadn't been out on business).上个星期天(如果我没有出差),我就来参加你的生日晚会了。

7.I consider it a great honour to be invited to your birthday party.我认为能被邀请参加你的生日聚会是自己很大的荣幸。

8.Even if his grandmother could not come to his birthday party, she would send him a lovely present, Tom was sure of that.即使他的祖母不能参加他的生日宴会,她也会寄给他一件可爱的礼物。对这一点汤姆深信不疑

9.A 'no gifts' edict for a child's birthday party would seem to be a juggler's dream, on both sides of the invitation.对孩子生日聚会的主、客双方来说,“不带礼物”的通知看上去都应该是最美不过的事了。

10.South Korean President Lee Myung-bak was enjoying a birthday party organized by his staff only a few hours before the announcement.就在金正日死讯公布前几个小时,韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)还在参加工作人员为他操办的生日宴会。