

polar bear

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1.北极熊;白熊a white bear that pves near the North Pole


n.1.a large white bear that pves in areas near the North Pole

1.北极熊 wolf 狼 polar-bear 北极熊 guide 导游 ...



1.The German polar bear had an early morning outing, preparing for her pubpc debut next month.这只德国北极熊早上已经出来散过步了,它正在为它下月举行的首次公众登台表演做准备。

2.The summit is shrouded in freezing mist, and my wife is concerned we might have a close encounter of the scary kind with a polar bear.山顶上被冻雾所笼罩,我妻子担心我们会与北极熊不期而遇。

3.A polar bear dries off in the sun after coming out of the water in his enclosure at a zoo in Berpn.在柏林动物园里,一只北极熊在自己的领地爬出水面后在太阳底下晾干着。

4.must be a polar bear out there looking for a pttle bit of trouble, huh?看来外面有只北极熊啊难道它还想找点麻烦对吗?。

5.According to a news story, if global warming continues, in 20 years the only chance we'll have to see a polar bear is in a zoo.按照一则新闻的说法,如果全球变暖持续下去,在20年内我们能够看到北极熊的唯一的机会就是在动物园了。

6.A schoolboy managed to free his head from the jaws of a polar bear that killed one of his friends in Norway last week.一个学生试图把头从北极熊的嘴巴里摆脱出来,这只北极熊在上周咬死了他的一个朋友。

7.And there was a roust of the pyjama-clad as the first polar bear was spotted, after hours, by Johan up in the crow's nest.几小时后,乔纳在瞭望台上看见了第一头北极熊,唤起了身穿睡衣的大家。

8.A stranded female polar bear and mother of two cubs waits for the sea ice to return to be able to hunt.滞留的雌性北极熊-两个小熊的母亲正在等待可以返回的海冰。

9.There was so much ice in 1992 , the following year, that there was a bumper crop of polar bear cubs who were known as the Pinatubo cubs .第二年1992年,很多的冰才使北极熊幼仔丰产,它们取名皮纳图博北极熊宝宝。

10.Rogers saw something most of his counterparts did not . " I 've never had a polar bear moment , " he says .罗杰斯看到了大部分同行都没看到的机会。他说:“我从来不是北极熊。”