


美式发音: [ˈmərsidiz] 英式发音: [ˈmə:sidi:z]





1.梅赛德斯 6、TIFFANY 蒂芬尼 珠宝 7、MERCEDES 梅塞德斯 汽车 8、GIANNI VERSACE 范思 …

3.奔驰 Melody 美洛蒂 Mercedes 默西迪丝 Meredith 梅瑞狄斯 ...

6.平治平治(MERCEDES) 5.1% 凌志(LEXUS) 4.8% 富豪(VOLVO) 3.4% 现代(HYUNDAI) 3.0% 日产(NISSAN) 0% 奥士无比(OLDSMO…

7.精灵游侠精灵游侠Mercedes):传说中,为保护枫之谷世界,“精灵之王”挺身而战,与四位英雄扞卫世界。后受到诅咒而造成全体精 …

8.奔驰车他驾驶昂贵的汽车撞到树上,看到他的奔驰车Mercedes)是怎样撞弯(bends)的。这句话的幽默之处是将Mercedes Benz…


1.Berber says that, with her husband Asa, she continued to use her Mercedes diesel for weekend trips during the trial.Berber还说道,在试驾期间,她还是选择奔驰内燃机汽车作为和她丈夫周末外出的代步工具。

2.Woman: If Dan were a brand, he might be a classic convertible Mercedes Benz.女人:如果丹是一个品牌那他可能会是一款经典的敞篷车就像梅塞德斯.奔驰

3.Daimler-Benz owned the company then and had the good grace to place the Chrysler chassis on a Mercedes axle and, man, was that a sweet ride!当时戴姆勒——奔驰拥有这家公司,他们用克莱斯勒的底盘配梅赛德斯的车轴可真是积了大德,开起来那叫一个爽!

4.Hamilton, however, is under contract until 2012, and he has previously said he never intends to leave the Mercedes-powered team.汉密尔顿,但是,根据合同到2012年,他此前曾表示,他从来没有打算离开迈凯轮。

5.This first 'Mercedes', developed by Wilhelm Maybach, the chief engineer at DMG, caused quite a stir at the beginning of the new century.这辆首次被命名为‘梅赛德斯’的由DMG公司首席工程师WilhelmMaybach设计的车,在新世纪初引起了不小的轰动。

6.So Haug, racing boss of McLaren's works partner Mercedes-Benz, said it is too soon to say that Thursday's form is the beginning of a trend.所以豪格,迈凯轮车队老板的工程合作伙伴奔驰,说现在还太早,无法说,星期四的形式开始了一个趋势。

7.On top of that, Hamilton will also take along one lucky visitor on a ride up the Festival's hill-cpmb in the Mercedes-McLaren SLR supercar.最重要的是,汉密尔顿也将携带一个幸运游客乘坐上了电影节的山区攀登的梅塞德斯车队单反超级。

8.Mercedes even flew some of its customers and those of competitors to Germany to see early prototypes.梅赛德斯甚至还让一些顾客以及竞争对手的顾客飞往德国,考察早期的模型。

9.He craned his neck to ponder it for a moment, and then got back into his armored Mercedes to go take a tour of the local mall.他伸长脖子思索了片刻,然后钻进了他的装甲奔驰去参观当地商场。

10.It had a landscaped garden and a long curved driveway in which a shiny Mercedes was parked.它有一个草坪花园和一条很长的曲线型车道,上面停着一辆亮晶晶的默赛迪斯轿车。