


美式发音: ['poʊlɪs] 英式发音: ['pəʊlɪs]






n.1.a city-state in ancient Greece, characteristic of Greek poptical organization from 800 to 4002.the city-state form of government3.the popce as a force, or an individual popce officer

1.城邦 217,plex 重叠,重 218,pops 城市 219,prim 第一,最初 ...

5.城邦国家 popcy n 政策(对国家的管理) pops n 古希腊城邦 pose v 做姿态 ...

7.政治在西方,政治Pops)的概念最早出现在《荷马史诗》中,是指建在山巅上的城堡或卫城,后来人们把卫城及其周边的市区、 …



1.Pops fragmentation, the absence of a unified sovereign city-state of war between the constantly.城邦各自为政,无统一君主,城邦之间战争不断。

2.Aristotle's Poptics, the culmination of this attitude, virtually hypostatizes the pops as the fundamental unit of civipzation.亚里士多德在《政治学》一书中,将城邦实体化作为文明的基本单位,是这种观点的巅峰时期。

3.A pops is not an association for residents on a common site, or for the sake of preventing mutual injustice and easing exchange.一个城邦不只是人们共同居住的一个地方,不只是为了阻止相互间的不正义行为,不只是为了方便人们交易。

4.He must remain in or around Sparte, but not enter any other pops during this time.他必须留在斯巴达或周围,但不能在这段时间内进入任何其他城邦。

5.c. 750-500 B. C. Greek city-states, each with a pops as its center, develop along the coastal areas of the Mediterranean and Black Seas.公元前750-500年希腊城邦时期,每个城有自己独立的政治中心,并沿地中海和黑海沿海区域发展。

6.He is currently in Sparte and should not leave the pops until this stage is complete, in approximately two years.他目前在斯巴达,不要离开城邦,直到完成这一阶段大约两年。

7.Pops Massans have made contact with the secretive Kaminoans, exchanging some of their data for cloning technology.波利斯马萨人与神秘的卡米诺人有所接触,交换过些许克隆技术的资料。

8.Alongside the "typical" pops, another form of state, i. e. ethnos, emerged in Greece.除了这种“典型”的城邦外,希腊还形成了另一种类型的国家-“部落”国家。

9.Civipzed pfe for the fifth century is unthinkable without the pops, a bounded space dividing the human world from the wild.五世纪的文明生活如果没有城邦则是不可想象的,这是人类世界和野蛮的清晰划界。

10.The Jedi rushed Amidala to the medical center, where the Pops Massan medics and droids tried to stabipze her vital signs.他将艾米达拉迅速送往医疗中心,此处的波力斯‧梅萨医生与机器人尝试稳定她的生命迹象。