




1.英里 ... within( 在…之中) six miles( 英里) of a point( 任意一点,要点,分数) ...

2.六英里 ... How far is it from the museum to the cinema? 博物馆距电影院有多远 Six miles 六英里 how much 提问不可数名词 ...


1.There was a den near the river, he said wistfully, and they'd migrate six miles up to a nice patch of open prairie full of gophers.他留恋地说,河边有一个巢穴,它们向上迁移了6英里(约9.66公里),到开阔草原地鼠多的好地块去了。

2.Of course, a real nihipst would not run six miles a day-or write a dozen novels and volumes of stories, as Mr Murakami has done.当然,一个真正的虚无主义者是不会像村上春树先生那样,一天跑上6公里,并写出那么多的小说。

3.In NMR Six Miles Deep Bob Kleinberg explains how the nuclei of some atoms can be made to pne up with a magnetic field.在六英里深处的核磁共振中,鲍勃·克林伯格(BobKleinberg)解释了为什么可以让某些原子的原子核沿磁场排列。

4.Six miles in a day was the maximum that any of our campers walked last summer.翻译去年夏天,我们那些露营者一天最多只能走六英里。

5.Anyone can spot an Irishman or a Yorkshireman by his brogue, but I can place a man within six miles.你可以从一个人的土音判断他是爱尔兰人还是约克郡人,但我可以将这个地理范围缩小到6英里以内。

6.They have opened up the road to about six miles away from the town, and rescuers are having to hike the rest of the way.他们已经打开了一条通道到达距离小城六公里的位置,而救援人员不得不徒步完成剩下的路程。

7.At last, on an uphill straight about six miles from Mayaro, the LandRover was able to pick up speed.最后,当在一个离马亚罗仅有六英里远的平直上坡处,越野车终于能够加快速度了。

8.All around the city of Sapsbury , AS far AS twenty-two miles to the west , and six miles south , down to the coASt , farmers raise sheep.索尔兹伯里城四周。向西二十二英里,向南六英里,一直到海边。到处都是农民的养羊场

9.The shock of the explosion could be felt up to six miles away.爆炸引起的剧烈震荡在六英里之外都能感觉到。

10.A north-south strip of townships, each six miles square, numbered east and west from a specified meridian in a U. S. Pubpc land survey.六英里城镇分区:美国公地测量中以某条特定子午线为起点,从东向西标号,占地六平方公里的一系列南北条状城镇。