




1.萨缪尔森的价格能够无偏的反映出全部相关信息的市场定义方法,萨穆尔森Samuelson)认为在有效性的市场中“所有新信息都被市 …

5.塞缪尔森 就大有问题。一九五○年,森穆逊( P. Samuelson, 1915-) 的分析,到鲁宾逊夫人( Mrs. J. Robinson, 1…


1.Samuelson's desire to carve a role for economics in contemporary popcy debates was the other abiding theme of his career.让经济学在当代政策辩论中扮演某种角色,是贯穿萨缪尔森事业生涯的另一个主题。

2.The columnist Robert Samuelson tells the story in his book, just out in paperback, The Great Inflation and Its Aftermath.专栏评论人罗伯特.萨缪尔森在他的书里讲述了这个故事,就是那本简装本的书,名为《恶性通货膨胀及其后果》。

3.Mr. Samuelson, in a March interview with The Wall Street Journal, took aim at those trying to quell the financial crisis.萨缪尔森今年3月在接受《华尔街日报》采访时谈到了努力平息金融危机的那些人。

4.Paul Samuelson once said that the stock market had predicted eight of the last five recessions. The same might be said of recoveries.保罗-萨缪尔森(PaulSamuelson)曾经说过,在过去的5次衰退中,股市预言到了8次。此言或许同样适用于复苏。

5.Of the 30 winners (Paul Samuelson was the first in 1947; there was no award in 1953), 11 have gone on to be feted in Stockholm.在30名该奖获得者中(首位获奖者是保罗•萨缪尔森,他在1947年获奖,而1953年没有颁发此奖),就有11位前往斯德哥尔摩受奖。

6.That, anyway, has always been the premise. But here Samuelson dissents . What if the lower-wage country also captures the advanced industry?无论如何,首先得有个前提。可是萨墨尔森持不同意见。若是低工资国家掌握了先进技术又将怎么办呢?

7.Lawrence Summers, nephew of Mr. Samuelson, director of the White House National Economic Council, former Treasury Secretary.劳伦斯•萨默斯,萨缪尔森的侄子,白宫国家经济委员会主席,前财政部长。

8.If you doubt that take a look at Robert Samuelson's new The Great Inflation and Its Aftermath.如果你质疑这一点,那就看看罗伯特-赛缪尔森(RobertSamuelson)的新书《大通胀及其后果》(TheGreatInflationandItsAftermath)吧。

9.Over 60 years ago Paul Samuelson laid down "the foundations of economic analysis" in his seminal work of that name.60余年前,保罗·萨缪尔森在一篇同名的开创性著作中奠定了“经济分析的基础”。

10.To understand the role of K Street and Wall Street in Bush's America, we might more profitably turn to Galbraith than to Samuelson.要了解美国游说势力和华尔街对布什政府的影响,我们从加尔布雷斯那里或许能得到比萨缪尔森那里更多的答案。