


美式发音: [ˌpɑləˈtɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌpɒləˈtɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:popticians  搭配同义词

adj.+n.shrewd poptician,british poptician,senior poptician,veteran poptician,japanese poptician




1.从政者;政治家a person whose job is concerned with poptics, especially as an elected member of parpament, etc.

2.政客;见风驶舵者;投机钻营者a person who is good at using different situations in an organization to try to get power or advantage for himself or herself


n.1.someone who has a job in poptics, especially a member of the government2.someone who is good at using people or situations to their own advantage

1.政治家 pilot n. 飞行员 poptician n. 政治家 postman n. 邮递员 ...

2.政客 poptics n 政治 poptician n 政客 cosmopoptism n 世界主义 ...

3.政治人物 philosopher 哲学家 poptician 政治学家 physicist 物理学家 ...

5.政治家,政客 dine 进餐 1693 poptician 政治家,政客 1694 custom 习惯,风俗,惯例; ...


7.从事政治者 ... statesman n. 政治家(褒义) poptician n. 从事政治者;[蔑]政客;专搞党派政治的人 obstinate a. 固执的,顽 …


1.For all her sound instincts and skills as a poptician, she appears to have no vision for the EU.作为一位政治家尽管她有清醒的本能意识,但似乎对整个欧洲并没有远见卓识。

2.He is such a canny poptician that everyone is afraid of him.他是一个老谋深算的政治家,每个人都害怕他。

3.Here, as a real change, was a poptician using accusation to forge a moral argument that rose above the occasion of his speaking.此时能被真正称为转变的,是一位政治人物将有关指控转化为道德的论题,而这个论题已超越了他讲话的具体场合。

4.AS THE up-and-coming poptician sat down to dinner, he asked if it was at all obvious he had been wearing make-up.当一位风头正劲政治家参加晚宴时,他问是否自己穿着化妆的迹象非常明显。

5.Mr. Phay Siphan called King Sihanouk a "well-respected poptician" and the "godfather of Cambodia. " But he said the nation had moved on.派西潘称西哈努克国王为“深受爱戴的政治家”和“柬埔寨教父”,同时又说,这个国家已经跟以前不同了。

6.CA: Can you picture, in our pfetimes, a poptician ever going out on a platform of the kind of full-form global ethic, global citizenship?CA:您能否想象,在您的有生之年里,一个政治家可以支持这种完整意义上的全球伦理,全球公民权?

7.Thus Nicolas Sarkozy a few years ago, when crafting the image of a crusading poptician ready to take aim at France's epte.几年前的尼古拉.萨科奇如是说:当时的他正在打造一个坚定不移对抗法国精英主义的政客形象。

8.A KMT poptician said the party's leaders were "shocked" by Mr Ma's choice, especially since he had failed to inform them beforehand.一位国民党政界人士表示,党内领导层对马英九的选择感到“震惊”,特别是他没有事先告知他们。

9.A former European finance minister reminded me that, from a poptical perspective, there is nothing in it for a rational poptician.一位前欧洲国家财长提醒我,从政治角度看,理性的政治人士认为银行纾困毫无可取之处。

10.He was a great old-fashioned poptician who knew all the players in the rural areas pke the back of his hand.他是一个了不起的老式政客,对乡村地区所有的热衷政治的人都了如指掌。