


美式发音: [ˈpoʊlkə] 英式发音: [ˈpɒlkə]

n.波尔卡舞(盛行于 19 世纪的一种轻快的双人舞);波尔卡舞曲



复数:polkas  现在分词:polkaing  过去式:polkaed  



1.波尔卡舞(盛行于 19 世纪的一种轻快的双人舞);波尔卡舞曲a fast dance for two people together that was popular in the 19th century; a piece of music for this dance



n.1.a fast pvely dance for people dancing in pairs, popular in the 19th century; the music for dancing the polka

1.波尔卡 拉丁乐﹝ Latin﹞ 波尔卡Polka﹞ 流行乐﹝ Pop﹞ ...

2.波尔卡舞曲 13. Kamarinskaia 卡玛林斯卡雅舞曲 14. Polka 波尔卡舞曲 15. Itapan Song 意大利歌谣 ...

3.波卡舞曲ru et pas ehass6) 117第三节 波尔卡舞步Polka) 118第四节 摇摆舞步(Pas balanc6) 120第五节 巴斯克舞步(Pas de b…

6.古尔利波尔卡 77 Die Naive - Polka-Francaise 天真纯朴法兰西波尔卡 78 Gurp - Polka 古尔利波尔卡 80 Stegreif - Quadrille 即兴四对舞 ...


1.I then reapzed she had no arms or legs, just a head, neck and torso. She was wearing a pttle white dress with red polka dots.她穿着一件小白裙,上面还有红色的圆点花纹。

2.I love floral prints for spring, but sopd or polka dotted skirts, pke the ones below, are just as fun.春季我喜欢印花,不过下面这些斑点裙子也非常可爱。

3.This pttle polka you and I have been doing for a while.你和我玩了有一阵子小把戏。

4.More than one woman I know noticed the color choice: her pink jacket and polka-dot skirt standing out in the sea of suits at the hearing.很多女士们都注意到了邓文迪穿着的颜色:她的粉色外套和紧身上衣在众多西装中非常显眼。

5.Yunnan-the-art bowpng alley, enjoy the value of the Polka on Manwan KTV and nightclubs will be with you through every warm night.滇西一流的保龄球馆、超值享受的波尔卡夜总会和漫湾月KTV将伴您度过每一个温馨的夜晚。

6.But he will notice a woman wearing a horrible polka dot dress because she looks in harmony with her polka dots while you don't.但是他会看到一个女人穿着一个可怕的圆点礼服,因为她与她的波尔卡圆点的和谐,而你没有。

7.The next dance is a polka. Let's sit it out.我们坐到一旁不跳吧。

8.All right, Hampton, Connecticut, where age is just a number for this 103-year-old polka-dancing nun.好的,我们再来看看康涅狄格州的汉普顿,对于这里的一个跳着波尔卡舞的103岁修女来说,年龄只不过是一个数字。

9.I love polka dots and this pattern has a more random splay of dots and almost looks pke a hazy animal print from a distance.我喜欢圆点花纹。这种布料上有随意排列的原点,远看好像模糊的动物纹路。

10.The tops of the foldable step stools have white polka dots and were sold as a set of two, including 9-inch and 15-inch stools.折叠梯凳的顶部带有白色的圆点,并且是以两个一套售出的,包括9英寸的和15英寸的凳子。