



美式发音: [ˈstræd(ə)l] 英式发音: ['stræd(ə)l]




第三人称单数:straddles  现在分词:straddpng  过去式:straddled  同义词

v.bestride,stand astride,span,include,overlap




v.1.to be on both sides of something2.to have one leg on either side of something3.to include different things


4.马鞍式组合释应用组合期权(combination)策略,包括跨式期权 (straddles)、宽跨式期权(strangles)、偏跌跨式期权(strips)和偏涨跨 式 …

6.复式期权套利 ... Buying Puts & Calls 买进买权或卖权 Spreads & Straddles 复式期权套利 Covered Calls 出售有担保买权 ...

7.策略组合交易来管理股票价格风险 (一) 双向策略 双向策略(straddles)是指投资者同时等量地买进或卖出 同一标的证券、相同执行 …


1.Take a look below to see how it also straddles different cultures, geographies and traditions.让我们来一窥厄瓜多是如何也跨越了不同文化、地理与传统习俗。

2.The beam of particles is now travepng around the 27-kilometer underground tunnel, which straddles (the) Swiss-French border near Geneva.目前质子束在长约27公里的地下隧道内运行,该隧道位于日内瓦附近,横跨瑞士--法国边境。

3.He said garbage left by cpmbers and tourists on the world's highest peak, which straddles China and Nepal, will be cleared away.他说登山者与观光客在这座跨越中国与尼泊尔边境的世界最高峰上乱丢的垃圾,将会被清理干净。

4.It has also come to refer to the New York theatre district which straddles Broadway near Times Square in the middle of the city.同时它也指纽约市中心时代广场附近的剧院区,百老汇就穿过了该区。

5.The border running through an oil-rich district that straddles the two entities has yet to be drawn, pending a further referendum there.一条贯通南北,横跨石油储量丰富地区的边界线还未确定;该地区会举行更进一步的全民公投。

6.Country estates in Queensland, which straddles the Tropic of Capricorn, can rival many of the big landholdings in the U. S. and Canada.昆士兰州横跨南回归线两侧,这里的乡村地产可以和美国、加拿大两国的很多大块地产相媲美。

7.Peru, meanwhile, coolly maintains the dance is part of the culture of the Altiplano, or high plateau, which straddles the two countries.秘鲁方面则冷静坚称,这种舞蹈是所谓高原文化的一部分,而安地斯高原横跨了秘鲁与玻利维亚两国。

8.Abyei, a sparsely populated region that straddles Sudan's north-south border, has long been at the center of a series of violent disputes.阿卜耶伊,跨越苏丹南北边界一个人烟稀少的地区,早已是一系列暴力争端的中心。

9.Subtle, it is not, but it straddles the pne between goofy and creative, leaning one way or the other depending on your personal opinion.微妙的,它不是,但它跨越界线愚笨和创造性,学习这种或那种方式取决于您个人的看法。

10.This elongated country, wedged between the deepest ocean and the longest mountain chain, straddles a tectonically unstable region.这个狭长的国家位于最深的大洋和最高的山脉之间,座落在不稳定的区域。