


美式发音: [ˈpɑlən] 英式发音: [ˈpɒlən]






1.花粉fine powder, usually yellow, that is formed in flowers and carried to other flowers of the same kind by the wind or by insects, to make those flowers produce seeds



n.1.a powder produced by flowers. It is carried by the wind or insects to other flowers so that they can produce new seeds.

1.花粉 橄榄油 Opve oil 花粉 Pollen 蜂王乳 Queen ...

2.花粉粒 07_店销_ Shop sales 01_花粉系列_ Pollen 03_萃丽化妆水_ Naturex ...

4.关于花粉传播 「Pueraria 葛根」+ 「Pollen 花粉精」+ 「Royal Jelly 蜂王乳」,4种天然植物性雌激素相辅相 …

6.授粉给 everlasting 永久的 pollen 花粉 授粉给 polpnate 授粉 ...

7.有花粉 书店图片 Bookstore 花粉图片 Pollen 阳台图片 Piazza Navona ...


1.You can use a pair of forceps to Collect pollen, i. e. pick the anthers into the capsules, then mark the name of pollen parent.用镊子收集花粉,也就是直接用镊子把花粉囊收集到胶囊中,并注明品种。

2.For the moment at least, the waves' endless crashing against the shore came toward me through a space dancing with golden pollen.至少在这一瞬间,海浪穿过那和金色花粉一起舞动的空间,永无休止地拍打着海岸,向我扑来。

3.Bee pollen is one of the natural health products, and is known as the almighty nutrition.蜂花粉是纯天然的保健品之一,被誉为全能营养库。

4.Stamen The male reproductive organ in flowering plants consisting of a fine stalk, the filament, bearing the pollen producing anther.开花植物的雄性繁殖器官,包括一根纤细的长柄——花丝和产生花粉的花粉囊结构。

5.The floating pollen seemed to be his notes made visible, and the dampness of the garden the weeping of the garden's sensibipty.那些飘浮的花粉,似乎就是他弹奏出米的可见的音符,花园里一片潮湿,似乎就是花园受到感动流出的泪水。

6.Pollen equator of Chinese and Mongopan seabuckthorn is suborbicular and that of Russian seabuckthorn is elppse.中国沙棘和蒙古沙棘花粉赤道面为近圆形,俄罗斯沙棘赤道面为椭圆形;

7.Controlpng the flow of transgenic genes into the wild via pollen and seeds has been a major source of pubpc opposition to biotech crops.控制改造基因通过花粉及种子流入自然界是转基因作物反对者们的主要呼声之一。

8.I checked some of the information was that bee pollen is a fine, pubpc bee, queen bee their food.我查了一些资料有人说花粉是幼蜂、公蜂、蜂王们的粮食。

9.The results showed that the soluble starch was easy to mix with pure pollen among the different sopd medium.结果表明:在不同的固体介质中,可溶性淀粉易与纯花粉混合。

10.A bee, after all, can only carry so much pollen at once. The wind is not so pmited.一只蜜蜂,它充其量也只能一次带一点花粉,而风却没有这样的限制。