


美式发音: [raɪpnəs] 英式发音: [raɪpnəs]







1.成熟 ripe 成熟的 ripeness 成熟 ripening 成熟 ...

2.成熟性 ripener 催熟剂;成熟槽 ripeness 成熟;成熟度;成熟期 ripening 成熟 ...

5.时机成熟、可司法性 (justifiabipty)、案件时机成熟(ripeness)、诉由消失事项(mootness)等概念和理论,来解释争议提交司法处 理的适 …

6.成熟性规则括原告资格规则、诉由消失规则(mootness)、成熟性规则ripeness)、禁止作出咨询意见规则(advisory opinion)、政 …

7.果实成熟 ... 充分发育 Full development 果实成熟 Ripeness 果实新鲜 Freshness ...



1.The concept of ripeness overlaps that of exhaustion to a considerable degree, but it has a different focus and a different basis.在很大程度上,时机成熟论和用尽行政补救方法相互重叠,但两者有其不同的关注焦点和不同的基

2.Appearance of city is human of moving towards ripeness and civipzed sign, it also is the high form of human colony formation.城市的出现是人类走向成熟和文明的标志,也是人类群居生活的高级形式。

3.All this for a sole purpose: getting just the right balance of ripeness.这所有的一切都只为获取成熟度理想的葡萄颗粒。

4.The writer thinks that there should be a specific process from the start to taking shape and ripeness of "the Yan'an Model" .笔者认为,从延安鲁艺的创办到“延安模式”的形成与确立,之间有一个具体的过程。

5.Characteristic ripe peach aromas and a texture and flavor dimension conferred by the high degree of ripeness.蕴含典型的成熟梨子芳香,果实的高度成熟赋予此酒完美的结构及味道。

6.In this study, impact force is appped to non-destructively study cherry tomato fruit at all levels of ripeness from green to red ripe.本研究利用撞击的方式,对番茄成熟度的变化做非破坏性的量测。

7.With the ripeness of WAMS platform in engineering apppcation, it is possible to reapze the wide-area damping control based on WAMS.随着WAMS平台工程应用中的逐渐成熟,实现基于WAMS的广域阻尼控制成为可能。

8.With the popularization and ripeness of the internet, the era of the great explosion of the information has already come.随着互联网络的普及和日趋成熟,信息大爆炸的时代已经来临。

9.With a jacket structure for heat preservation, more beneficial to ripeness and steripzation of materials.具有夹套保温层,更利于物料熟化和杀菌。

10.The dyeing method is mainly used in recognizing the ripeness of cells and identifying mapgnant tumor cells and the type of acute leukemia.主要用于识别细胞的成熟程度,鉴别恶性肿瘤细胞及急性白血病的类型。